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Everything posted by DrKarate

  1. Now that Durrr is with Team Fulltilt and going to be playing more tournaments, how successful do you think he'll be on the circuit?
  2. I'm a fan of seeing multiple games too, but ESPN used to actually switch the cards around to show what hand the player had, years back. I guess it made it easier for someone new to understand what they had, but for the purposes of following how the hand was played made it a horrible idea. A player being dealt [A][3]3 4 9 A [9] would actually show up as [A] A 9 [9] [3] 3 4 on the show.I think they could start getting more people to watch different games if they started just with omaha. It's close enough to hold'em that someone who only knows hold'em could get into it. Stud could come into
  3. My condolences to whoever is the bubble boy.
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