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Everything posted by SweetDee

  1. He did. He basically agreed with the CEO when the CEO said something along the lines of "The gulf is pretty big", etc. Rush did a dialogue of sorts about how nature would take care of a lot more than she was currently being given credit for, which is basically what has happened, unless the oil just disappeared. What I have found is that people who "hate" Rush have never really listened to his show. Listen to him for 2 weeks straight for an hour a day, not clips off of CNN, and what anybody who has ears will find is that he is pretty much right all of the time. That wasn't directed towards you,
  2. This deserves better than just a comment by the BG fellow. Well played sir.
  3. All day. "**** yeah, a new brand of stone ground mustard to try. " "Dude, you have like 8 containers of mustard, do you really need a ninth?" "That's a dumb question, it's a new mustard. Case closed." And then a little laugh.
  4. This is funny shit. Initially I didn't like you, what with you calling me a fag the other day when I complimented your shoes, but this humor is too good to not recognize. Good shit.
  5. A black one- where the **** is that AmScray guy, I don't want to post this.Seriously, though, this is pretty trivial, unless you like kids, or enjoy not being an ass-face.
  6. Picturing a grown ass man setting up glow in the dark stars and planets on his ceiling made me laugh as much as I have in weeks. Thanks.
  7. It's interesting to me that often people who mess up and do ****ed up shit to themselves and to others, and are for the most part abhorrent human beings, well, they just can't seem to sleep all that well. It's like it may be connected or something...That being said, these same people also tend to be the most interesting. I once had a conversation with a friend who was basically an insomniac, talked to himself (whole drawn out conversations), would stumble around the house out of balance, one time he went to grab a towel of the rack, missed, fell down, tried to catch himself on the rack, that o
  8. I didn't really see it that way, I just thought he was being competitive in a way that he could win. The only reason this guy was at the table was a blatant disregard for money, it certainly wasn't poker skill. So, in my mind he was trying to get the best of it where he could. That's all I am saying, I didn't see it as nearly as douchey as some of the people in this thread think it was.
  9. I thought that getting under someones skin is kind of relevant to making money in live poker?Maybe that's just me.
  10. I liked the little 45 second video where he rationalized the call, in my mind it was all bullshit. I think Daniel called because he wanted to flat out gamble and if he ended up losing that would be fine as well, in that he would lose to some random dude and may in fact in one 30 second decision change someones life. Overall he has been just his goofy self on this show but for some reason it seems to me that he really wants these guys to make some money.
  11. I don't think it was ever about him being able to get things done, it's what he wants to get done is the issue. I can definitely burn down a city, I could actually do it fairly easily, but that doesn't make me a respectable go getter. It just makes me a decent arsonist.You are essentially saying "Wow, look at that rapist, 4 in one night. That dude can get things done."
  12. I would imagine that constant ridicule and attack from new sources and government sources alike may make one say things they don't quite mean are are a little to strong, just out of pure reactionary defense. You have a lady who is so disrespected by the white house they don't even bother to tell her to her face what they are going to do, which is in essence challenge themselves in court. This whole situation is so completely backwards I can find it in myself to just let some shit slide.
  13. I'm with you on the financials, I get it, the problem I have is the past few years a good many things have happened in the business world and Government that we just didn't think could or would ever happen. Do you think this administration is a known entity and will do something predictable that makes sense? So far I think that would be a tough question to give a yes to.Once again I get it from a numbers standpoint, I see your points and they are sound.
  14. So, I read it, what a mess. Sort of what we already know, Watchdogs weren't watching or were distracted by a nice steak, and corners are being cut, apparently quite a few. So, the question is, which way does it go? Are fines levied, problems fixed and commerce goes on or do they become the fall guy for all that's wrong and they get shut down and lose 200,000 barrels a day in product? I mean, this could easily be handled in a way that BP still does business in the U.S., and it could easily be handled in a way that hurts them even worse, and us by extension, job loss, loss of revenue, etc.
  15. To answer BG, no, what they owe is too big for us to cover if we can help it. The point is that the more we do to hinder business and go at BP like they are the only company in the world that has made mistakes, the less likely it is that we get our money. This seems to be a pretty simple cause and effect scenario.I haven't read the 12 page deal that Jeepster linked to but I will right now. I can't imagine any of it is good.
  16. In this case, yes. If we want BP to actually pay out every red cent it stands to reason we want them to remain viable so they can in fact earn the monies to pay out those cents.That seems to make sense.
  17. No offense, but it's downright ****ing silly and dangerous to boot to look at the situation and say that it's just impossible. It's not impossible, nowhere close to impossible. What if tomorrow we find that it turns out it can't really be fixed until December, or a hurricane happens and a massive set back takes place, and Obamas team/Congress start talking takeover, or they demand 50 billion? You are looking at it assuming nothing else will go wrong, just throwing out a blanket statement that this company can take anything thrown at it. No, it can't, and the proof is right in front of you. One
  18. Am I reading that right, they have 7 billion cash on hand? Or is that 7 million?I stand by the statement that things could easily get bad enough to where they bug out. Anybody who disagrees probably would have been willing to bet that nothing could happen to make them lose approx half of market cap. Only a fool would look at this situation and go "No way this could get any worse."
  19. Sure, if it stops at 20 Billion and if there is no boycott that manages to hurt them and if they manage to survive the daily attacks from, well, everywhere. It's not anywhere in the vicinity of ignorant to imagine that a company may decide that reorganization is the way to go when enough things go wrong.
  20. The worst part is the more he goes after them, the more he demands, the more he ratchets up the pressure, the more likely it is that BP will just go Bankrupt and reorganize and tell us to **** off. There will be a point that they can't reasonably earn their way out of this.
  21. Especially if they hated Annie Duke and were running real bad.
  22. You were either high or you were in fact once a hobo. Actually, I suppose both theories could be simultaneously true.
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