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About 13thGradePlayer

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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. Definately a good start. After you master the concepts in SSHE (which will take some practice, but be lucrative), it couldn't hurt to pick up sklansky's advanced book. The information will apply to middle and high level competition more than low level though. Also, if you play live games Caro's book of tells can be very helpful, but they also take a lot of live game practice to really notice. And lastly, if you get into the tournament circle, I recommend (yet again) sklansky's advanced tournament poker book. I also enjoyed TJ Cloutier's NL tourny book, although it has been critizced by so
  2. Great response. Really appreciate it. I think i will pick up SSHE first and then at some point grab the Zen book also because I tend to tilt easily and that may be helpful to staying centered. Thanks for your input.
  3. Actually haven't played much so far this year.. too busy. Started to play on party for a bit but had no time whatsoever and was rushed to play, lost 20 bucks, realized how stupid it was to play when i had to fit in 5 mins here, 5 mins there, and withdrew the rest. Hoping to jump back on the wagon by the end of february. win a couple for me.
  4. Thank you so much for this post. I honestly had a night like this, well an entire day. Sadly, I couldn't pry myself away from the table cause I thought it had to improve, and after the second or third bad beat I certainly went on tilt. Glad to see that it happens to us all sometimes though, and hopefully in the future I can either control my tilt or stand up from the table.
  5. In the spirit of things, Happy Valentines Day everyone.Anyway, I am trying to get better at small stakes ring games because I have focused so much on tournys that I have become terrible at ring games. I am trying to decide between 3 options to improve my game. I will likely end up purchasing all 3 (or atleast the 2 books if I decide the software isnt worth it) but I don't have the money to do it all at once, so my question is which would be more beneficial first. I am looking at Small Stakes Hold Em by Sklansky and gang, Zen and the Art of Poker (or something to that effect) by someone.. it
  6. bump.Come on fellas. Even if you haven't tried it, do you think it is beneficial to try a simulation to evaluate your play without risk of losing money?I would really like to hear from someone who has given it a try though.If you find the time Daniel, I'd also love to know what you think about (legitimate) poker software.
  7. First off, I know this is the poker books section but there isn't a poker software section (that I saw) so I thought I'd post here and in the poker video section because this software is a little bit of both, really.Also this is my first post on full contact but I've been reading here for awhile, so hello all.Anyway, I have been re-evaluating my game lately. I've been a tournament player for awhile but subsequently I have become terrible at ring games. I have been trying to diversify my book collection with more books on ring games, and that certainly has been helping, but I was curious how
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