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About thatslife1969

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    No-limit, razz, limit, horse
  1. I think a big key is the first three cards--the advice I've been getting is to play three to an eight...but it gets complicated. Also, search razz poker on amazon and find some good books...reading is fundamental to getting better.
  2. Thanks--three to eight seems safe way to start, but the cards out depend on how strong I should play the hand. It does get complicated. I decided to take he plunge and buy a couple of books. I've read some good stuff that is helping out, especially where I need it most---on the first three cards. Sklansky on Poker (excellent overview) and Play Razz to Win (excellent system for 1st 3 cards). I also heard that there are some articles online...I wonder if Daniel plays razz..or hates it like most everyone else.
  3. How do you adjust for the cards on board when you get your starting hands? For example, if I have 3-4-8....and two 4's are showing and two 5's are showing, how does that effect my play? I know it's better to have duplicates, but what kind of thinking is there when both the good and the bad happens?
  4. How can I get better at Razz...I play HORSE and always get beaten up during Razz. So, I've been playing lots of Razz online, and getting beaten up at those as well.I went to amazon for books and the top 4 are:1. Sklansky on Poker2. Championship Stud3. High Low Poker4. Play Razz Poker to WinAnyone read these--how much on Razz compared to the other games?thanks..
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