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Seymour Trimlouski

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Everything posted by Seymour Trimlouski

  1. I doubt he was tipping to begin with, that's why the dealer dealt him out, LOL. You did read he was Canadian didn't you? LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO DRINK BUDWIESER!!!!!
  2. I hope you are kidding. Dutch is a fish in that line-up, I doubt he can beat any of them on a regular basis, maybe Sam Grizzle but that would be it. BTW what is all this about his mental problems? Is there a link or a story about it somewhere? All I know is he's an awful card player, just awful. I'd have mental problems too if I played like that. 'Nuff said.
  3. I have finally decided to join this forum. Along with that I am thinking of trying the poker room as well. I have played on-line some but still considered a rookie by most I am sure. When a few sportbooks, poker rooms and Netteller went out of business it put a big enough fear in me that I have not been back playing. Yep I got stiffed, getting tired of losing money without it happening around the felt table. Anyway I am just wondering if its legal for me to play at FCP, and if so what is the best way to deposit money. Thanks all, I am sure I will like it around here once I get my le
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