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    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. That is what I was thinking you guys know mkind he wants UB money and I want PS money so we are trying to work something out.
  2. Lets say someone wants to make a transfer with you and they make first contact. Who is first to transfer?
  3. Sorry if this has already been disscused but I am just wondering if anybody had used this method and if they recommend this option thank you in advance. NICEHANDINDM
  4. Do you perfer do be railed buy guys or girls?When a guy has two Jacks in the hole. Do you like it when he plays them fast or slow?
  5. This is not true. I dont know where you play, but if I would take a shot I would say 80 to 85 percent of the casinos dealers dont chop with each other. P.S. I am talking poker not table games.
  6. Sorry guys for for wasting 30 sec of your lives, but as you can see I know about as much as a 4 year old about computers. It was not a problem with my connection. My family works for a school district and they have certain locks on thier laptops that will not let you access gaming sites, MSN and such. So I wanted my PC hooked up so that I could access the sites that I want to. Thanks for those who helped me out...The good news is that I can gamble now.
  7. LOL now that is funny. And yes I am laughing at myself.
  8. Since this is my first post I expect to be flamed. I just have a quick computer question. I have just brought my computer to my mothers house and I was wondering if there was anyway that I can just plug her internet connection into my computer. I have tried it a couple times and no luck. I was just wondering if you compuer geeks(I mean this in the best possible way) could help me out. I look forward to talking poker in the future but right now I have to deal with the problem at hand FLAMERS START...................NOW.
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