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Everything posted by Solodell

  1. Unless by some miracle the Cards sweep the Cubs this weekend, I'm gonna say it's basically over.On another note, I'm going the next 2 nights...they're 0-5 so far when I've gone to the games...so I don't predict good things.
  2. Doesn't MLB require a player generally to have 10 years before he's considered, or is that something I'm making up?Either way, I put him in. He's been an elite player for a long stretch of time...the premier leadoff hitter in the game for nearly a decade. His Japanese league stats might not be directly impacting, but it'll be something in the minds of voters I would think.
  3. This pains me to say, but Koop is completely right about this. If this was someone on the Cubs, Brewers, or anyone else, most fans here in STL would be up in arms about it. It's hypocritical (I can tell you quite a few of the local radio guys are calling fans out about it when they call in defending Ankiel). I don't really know how we're supposed to react anymore TBH. I believe a large majority of players are taking or have taken something in the past. Can we crucify guys like Ankiel/Glaus and others who have taken it in the past. What about guys who've tested positive already (Guillerm
  4. We will never forget this. But really, how often do you have a chance to get a pitcher who is worse than the one you're trading, and it's only gonna cost you 10x as much (at least)? Walt's worst move ever probably.
  5. a baseball player losing any eyesight makes it nearly impossible to hit the ball. Things are getting tight now...there's a chance they might pull this thing out...especially if Zambrano can't figure out what he's doing.
  6. Flavor of Love 3....who would've ever guessed it wouldn't have worked out with the women from the first 2 seasons. Shocking really.
  7. 2nd place now. Wouldn't have thought it possible a couple weeks ago.
  8. Amen...and finally got a win today against the Cubs to stay within striking distance. Now if we could only figure out a way to keep Tony from playing Juan Encarnacion....
  9. hijacking the thread back....SWEEP!!!The kids are playing with some passion now! We're going to have a stacked young outfield here in a couple years w/ Duncan/Ankiel/Rasmus(a baseball america top 30 prospect before the season, even though he's not thought to be ready until 09). Wainwright threw 7 another shutout today, after a complete game loss last time out where he only gave up a 2R HR in the 9th. He's looking more and more like a solid #2 starter everyday really.
  10. Based on those numbers, the NL is closer to the AL this year than last year. If we're comparing the leagues this year, why are you even using 2006 numbers? The AL is somewhat better than the NL, but for every Boston, you have a Texas Rangers or similar bad team. Also, when will the AL fix the dumbest rule ever (I shouldn't have to mention it, but I'm referring to the DH).
  11. spanking the Brewers tonight...important week for the Cards. Could be very close to first w/ a 6-1 week
  12. Clearly you just want to argue and have a complex about STL. Newsflash, we really don't care about the Royals. If you weren't on here whining about how the poor Royals have to be in the big bad AL or else you'd be right in it, I wouldn't even think about them. You know why, because they're a last place team...every year basically (yes, I remember the one year they started off good and finished a little above .500 or whatever it was).I would argue about how you didn't even come close to hitting my points correctly about pitching, but what's the point. I'll make the comeback: "If the Cards
  13. Yeah, but this is our worst year this decade...and we're one good winning streak from being in first. The Royals finish near last place every year. Enjoy.
  14. Well, a healthy Mulder (the 2005 version at least - 16-8, 3.64 ERA), is probably a #2/3 starter. We'll have a better idea of that probably by the end of the year...he's supposed to make a rehab start here soon, they're hoping to have him up by September. Wainwright to me is a #2/3 based on how he's pitched the last 10-12 starts (he struggled a bit early in the year as he was getting back into the mode of starting). Wells has been good lately, but he'll have to continue pitching extremely well down the stretch to be on this team next year (need someone else here).Reyes has been better since
  15. he does have issues w/ strikeouts, but his RBI rate has been pretty good since he's become a position player. He really doesn't have as many ABs as the Cards would like in the minors, but his production, coupled w/ the struggles of others kinda forced his callup. He's not a savior, but he provides the power that's been sorely lacking on this team. As for pitching...Wells has SUCKED this year, but he's finally starting to perform like they expected him too. Reyes has been up and down, but kinda seems like he's got it figured out a bit this time. Mulder should be back for next year...the own
  16. someone forgot to tell Koop this thread is now the Rick Ankiel Appreciation thread. Only posts relating to that will be recognized. What a story!
  17. man, that is crazy. Hope he's in the lineup again tonight (I'm going to the game tonight!). Really hope this kid succeeds.
  18. I would sell it. ESPECIALLY since it's Barroid, but either way, I probably try and make a buck. I love the game, but I'm not passing up all that money if someone offers it.
  19. wow, if you're criticizing the bullpen, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Izzy/Franklin have basically been lights out all year. They just rarely get the chance to pitch in meaningful situations...when they do, it's usually over.
  20. man, it must really stink having to root for a team that basically almost never has a chance at a World Series anymore I bet.
  21. lol, must be fun to live in Royals fan fantasy land. The Royals basically best case scenario for the next decade is getting 2nd to Detroit every year. Talk about a team w/ young talent and a payroll!
  22. Congratulations are in order if the royals are finally possibly a tad bit better than the Cards worst team in a decade. Really, some accomplishment there. Only, we still have a better record than the Royals. Our ERA is somewhat skewed by the fact that when we lose, we lose big time (we're good for a 10 run loss about once a week...you know, the day kip Wells pitches). Our pitching certainly wouldn't be better if we had our Ace Carpenter in there every fifth day instead of Kip Wells or someone like that. It really is nice going to sleep at night knowing your team has won a championship wit
  23. lol @ Koop. Why oh why didn't the Cards sell off apiece or 2 from the bullpen to get ready for next year?
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