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Everything posted by MilesZS

  1. don't you mean comfortably numbhello hello hello, is there anybody in there, just nod if you can hear meis there anyone at homec'mon now, I hear your feeling down, I can ease the pain to get you on your feet againrelax, I need some infrormation first, just the basic factscan you show me where it hurtsthere is no pain you are receiving, a distant ship smoke on the horizonyou are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I can't hear what you saywhen I was a child, I had a fevermy hands were just light to the newsnow I've got that feeling once again, I cannot explainyou would not underst
  2. Whats your point? Every person who has ever won a wsop event has been very lucky during the tournament. No one has taken bad beat after bad beat or had average cards and won a tournament. Conversely there are proabably lots of people who also had a great run or got lucky and didn't win so he still deserves a ton of credit.Sssshhhhh leave him alone, he's the resident troll. He is to be ignored.
  3. Either way, you know he's joking, right?It's hilarious -- which is why my sig has been that for a week.
  4. If you look closely, people are bumping them. The ORIGINAL POST is from Dec., the new posts are from today.Just look at the last posts before you freak out.
  5. HAHA never start the thread off with a story that can't be topped.You win man. You win.I really hope for your sake that your arm gets better, but please forgive me if I continue to laugh about it.
  6. This is outrageous. Who dreams this stuff up?
  7. For the first time ever, I'm going to openly support the Krablar -- mostly because seeing someone do that dance on TV would probably cause me to lose control of my bladder and laugh until I choke to death.God damn I hope he makes the final table and get K3.
  8. Damn it Kurt, you make me want to go buy it and start playing tournaments.I stay away from tournaments, because I for some reason enjoy the cash games much more, but maybe I'll have to start giving them a shot.Plus, I found out a buddy is holding tournaments at his house every Friday. There's also a dealer's choice side-table -- they're going to hate me when I pick up the deck and say "Alright, deuce to seven triple draw...."
  9. Don't you know that no one uses logic online? Psssh.. only men use logic. I smell female.Uh.. .sorry... i'm drunk...
  10. You staked me last night, you know I suck.Maybe I should go back to NL and see if it's exciting again, now that I remember I suck.
  11. I take out too much money to pay bills and feed my dead-beat girlfriend (whatever, she's a hot gymnast), if we're going to be honest. I also work 40 hours a week and play very little poker compared to many.It is easy. I do believe if I had the bankroll I could win at 1/2 NL. Seriously... You guys are welcome to your opinion, and I'm not saying one is better than the other (you guys must not read my posts well), but NL is easy right now. If you aren't beating it consistently, you're probably a losing player. I play Limit O8, because I don't like NL hold 'em, and I've had enough of hold 'em
  12. Cash games, if you are good at them and don't try to use tourney strategy when playing them.Not that there's anything wrong with trying a tournament every once in a while, but you'll make more money playing cash games.
  13. not that i want to get in a debate are you snorting crack? NL is much more fun than limit IMO how can you say its boringBecause it's EASY. Like playing chess against a 5 year old. You'll win every time, because it's easy -- and it makes it a bit boring.
  14. If your God gave me a list of things to choose from -- virtues, if you will, to bring to the pkoer table, and I had to choose just 2 from this list:HeartCourageIntelligenceProblem-Solving skills (cut me slack on the virtue aspect)... I really don't think I'd respond with, "Heart and Courage!! Every player knows that Heart and Courage will win every time, especially in the only real poker game, No Limit Texas Hold 'Em!"Having a thread about which is better is going to be silly (again), and claiming one is better than the other is really a bit silly any way, no matter which side you're on. Howe
  15. talented and driven angry feminist bitch.She runs her own indie label and has for years, if I remember correctly. hujy6 <-- sorry, that is me attempting to save my keyboard from Red Bull death.
  16. I wish Smash would chime in... if he's got anything more embarrassing than what he told us he had on his iPod last night, it'd be pretty impressive... "My wife must've been screwing with my iPod again..." Sure.
  17. Pssshh, I'd much rather sit around in my underwear scratching myself while playing poker and seeing a hundred hands per hour than sitting in a chair in a casino waiting for a hand worth playing.If I want to interact with people, I'll call some people and go out. That's not why I play live games, and it's not why I play online.
  18. If that transfer back of the whopping $2.38 doesn't work, let me know. Transferring that large amount of money might trigger some alarms over at the PokerStars office.
  19. Search for thsi thread from two days ago.
  20. Where are we playing? Or what's your name on there again?
  21. Yeah, I just decided to move to Party for a while. The amount of people who put their money down at a game they have no clue how to play is impressive, to say the least.haha really? stake me for micro? well, I'm not going to turn you down, although I feel like a 'tard.
  22. By the way, I'd come play micro limits with you except I pulled my money from Stars in favor of Party O8. I can't picture enjoying a heads-up sit and go, in any case.
  23. I think part of the reason buying in for the minimum is looked down upon is it is usually done by donkeys.I probably wouldn't buy in for the minimum unless you've read the theory, though. I haven't, so I won't.
  24. haha. Nice win. I quit reading that thread -- did it turn out to be a friendly match, or was it similar to the political thread?
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