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Everything posted by DOG

  1. Why thank you.Now only if I could trust you. Sinner
  2. I thought I told you to lay off the Peyote.Lighten up Francis
  3. Why would you lie?You do know the definition of omnipotent don't you?Sorry, I meant ominpresent.Either way, leave the retards and Jeff alone
  4. umm, we haven't talked for years and you have yet to fully accept my son, my son
  5. Smugliness isn't next to DoglinessI'll see you in Hell, Smugtrometer
  6. I'm inclined to agree.Send your father my regards
  7. You called?FNG...layoff Ron. He's good people.
  8. That's ok I know about it.Carry on.
  9. no - see commandment #7 who died and left you boss? If the shoe fits...knockin knuckles on the table
  10. So good I couldn't have thought of it. Want my password? Habs I am your Father...and if you don't like it you can go back to France you pansy We kid because we love. We..oops!!??
  11. I ordered this for you:http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...6lr%3D%26sa%3DGEnjoy. The comments sections are epic.
  12. Damn girl is that all you think aboot?
  13. Watch it Junior. Shouldn't you be home atoning or something today? YOU are giving me a headache. Buh Bye.
  14. STFU...I am an enigma You can call me Daddy. Yes they are. And yes I love oral. QFMT
  15. FMP FU QFT F-uck you're back? I tought Jesus was going to take care of you.
  16. Sorry, I am on vacation. Might have been my offspring. Next time PM me. I can see for miles and miles. Steers and memebers of the Sick thread
  17. Not offended Funny Funnier FunniestWhat about the pollocks , chincks and red necks?
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