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Everything posted by darkrider88

  1. Anyone in this?in under darkrider88
  2. for everyone who wonders where pros make their money...that resturant owner (can's remember his name, was a long name though) was a good source for five digits.
  3. Defintely FT or stars.FT does have a really top heavy payout structure though, so just keep that in mind.
  4. hey, ive been a lurker here for awhile, and ive waited ot make this post.......10 dollar FT NLHE tourney. If ur awake the railing would be appreciate.well that was quick nvm everyone
  5. Best advice I can give is to get a goal for yourself. Write it down so you can always see it, especially when its been a shitty tuesday and u really want to just take a hit. Focus hard on your poker game, and try to get to yourself to the next level. If you are not already, start lifting/working out. If you stay busy and keep trying to improve in life, you'll find you don't even have time to think about weed, and a couple months down the road you'll realize that its out of your life.That's is basicially what I did last year, and although it has been tough, you can make it. GL man, and kee
  6. I was surfing cardplayer a little and saw this "pokerquiz", and didn't agree with the answer they gave. "QuestionA $10-$20 game. You are in early position having the Jh-Js and raise an early limper. A middle player, the big blind, and the limper call. There is $85 in the pot and four players. The flop is: 8d-7d-3d, giving you an overpair. The big blind checks and the early limper bets. What do you do?AnswerCall. With the board flopping all of one suit, it would be out of line for you to raise. If another diamond appears, your hand is instantly dead, unless it is specifically the J. Call and aw
  7. everyone knows though that the winnner of the 5 billionth hand will have no idea what just happened to him.
  8. u kno ur running bad when it takes u 27 hands to beat michelle
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