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Everything posted by FOOSE1

  1. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    Thank you Spademan for accepting my apology. After re-reading the thread, in context, I admit I was wrong. I guess BigD was right, my funny bone must have been turned off that day, I'm sorry again.I will fight your friend, but only for $10 and I have to get exclusive rights to the You-Tube video. My agent has to get a cut and all and the residual income of becoming an internet legend is inevitable (think Kimbo).I guess I have been an a-hole (a little anyway) so my butt is not hurt . . . pookie.And yes I was still reading, so I will go get a life.
  2. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    It's funny you mention that. I actually played online 20-30 hours per week for a LONG time. I was very happy playing and made quite a bit of $$. It filled me with my need for competition. When I got into MMA, I started playing a little less and training more. I actually stopped playing when the whole "US thing" first went down. I am just now getting back into it a little. I am actually going to Vegas at the end of April as well.(See BigDMcgee . . . I am a normal person too). B)
  3. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    I do actually. I am a sales manager for a major corporation in Atlanta. I have a college degree and everything!! I'm just a "weekend warrior". I literally compete for the fun of the competition. I have no dreams of making fighting my career. OK . . . now this was funny and made me laugh! It's probably true, how ironic is that? lol
  4. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    I'm not literally trying to fight you btw, lol. I'm just making a point to you. You go on and on about a bet that I had no interest in. Then you want to brag because I wouldn't take it. Well, I'm doing the same thing. I know you won't take my bet just like I wouldn't take yours. It's pointless. Believe me, I don't think enough of you to get mad at your foul mouthed antics over the internet. In fact I think you are quite humorous. Besides that, I get paid to fight. I wouldn't fight you for free. You would have to pay me to kick your butt, lol.
  5. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    I apologized for my part, so why not drop it?As far as the bet, why don't you take mine?
  6. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    Spademan, I apologize. Not sure if you have kids or not, but I get offended when it involves kids . . . even if they are not mine. Lois evidentally did not have a problem with it, so, I'm sorry. I never meant to insult you at all. That was not my intentions. Stay safe my friend, and thank you for all you are doing.
  7. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    You are such a joke. Keep talking big Mr. Tough Guy. One day, your going to forget your not online and talk that way to someone in person. I would love to be there to see that.
  8. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    There again I did the opposite my friend. I said that if it did not offend Lois, then I would be the first to apologize to Spademan. End of story. If it doesn't then I will hold true to my word. And yes, as a father, it offended me.
  9. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    No, I don't want your stupid bet. I never said I wanted to bet. Trying to force a bet with me won't make me take it, lol. That's like me asking you if you want to bet if you would last 2 minutes in the cage with me. Come on bet me. I want your money. Do you want to bet or not? Come on, I'll bet you $10k right now that you wouldn't last 2 minutes. Do you want the bet or not?lol
  10. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    Nice way to avoid my replies. I guess I made a good point. Never said I wanted to bet. In fact, I said that if Lois didn't have a problem with it, then I would apologize to Spademan. Oh, and just because I haven't posted in a while, doesn't mean I haven't been here. The truth is, I got very tired of doing exactly what we are doing. It gets old. Circular arguments get old quick. You're not going to change and neither am I. Your views won't change and neither will mine. I don't know you and you don't know me. So unless you would like to get to know each other better (I doubt it) then
  11. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    What does this have to do with anything? I could care less what he does or how "grown up" his life is. How exactly was I insulting him anway? Answer me that. I in no way have I insulted him at all. It doesn't matter if he works for Nasa or is a brain surgeon. I'm talking about the way you treat people and talk to people. And you my friend have a big problem with that. Your a big talker online. I guess I could be too if I chose to. I could tell you to "f" off as well if I wanted to online. I could be a real "bada__" online if I wanted to. But, I choose to be a little more respectful
  12. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    You guys are fine examples of what is wrong with the world today. And no I'm not talking about anything related to God. I'm talking about having civilized discussions or debates and being a decent person. All you know how to do is insult. To be honest, I thought your post was quite clever and funny until the last line where you drug his daughter into the mix. If he says it's fine and has no problem with it, then I will be the first to apologize to you. But your only response to me are insults. Did I insult you and call you a name? No. I called you on the carpet for what I thought was
  13. FOOSE1

    My Prayer

    That crossed the line. It's people like you that made me stop posting here in the first place. We all know you don't agree with anything related to God, but there is no reason to make it personal and involve a man's daughter in your attempt to be funny and impress your e-friends. Grow up.Lois . . . I haven't posted on here in a while because of exactly this type of thing (Spademan). However, I know you have struggled with yourself (so to speak) for a while, and wanted to comment. You know this is common because we are not made to be perfect. In fact, you know, that we are all sinners. T
  14. I haven't posted in here in a while but I happened to be reading this today and this caught my eye. I live in Ga. and pass this guys church often since it is only 12 or so miles from me. I know a lot of people who attend there and love it. However, I am not a big fan of prosperity preachers (which is what he has self-professed to be). They actually had one of these profile stories on him in the local news a few weeks back. He basically preaches that GOD wants us all the be "rich". Not comfortable, but "rich". On the outside it seems like a great idea, lets face it . . . who doesn't want
  15. Nice way to read the entire paragraph . . . Maybe you should have read this sentence first. I probably wouldn't keep my whole roll online like I used to but would want atleast $3k - $4k on there . . .
  16. USA players I need help. I have spent 30 minutes searching and really can't find the answer to my questions . . . and I'm lazy and tired of looking!! I'm not a newb so atleast try to keep the flames minimal .I was playing 40+ hours per week before the whole ban thing and I have basically taken 2 months off to let this thing settle down a bit. Now I know which sites that still accept US players but what I don't know is how money can safely be transferred now. I used Firepay before but I know they are out. How are you guys transferring back and forth? I play 400NL - 1000NL . . . any conc
  17. While I AM a christian and I do not endorse such pics . . . I can not 100% deny the comic value contained in such pictures .
  18. FOOSE1

    God Loves You

    Yeah . . . that makes since. God does say it is better to be "hot" or "cold" for him, rather than "luke warm". So your logic is correct the way you described it above. There are definately a lot of "luke warm" christians out there . . . present company included I might add. You are right in that case . . . the "G-Man" will have to decide in that case!!
  19. FOOSE1

    God Loves You

    Why not? To get in to heaven you have to be free of sin. To have your sins washed away you need to believe in God. If I believed in God yesterday, but today God's a maybe and tommorow he's a no, there is a point where I'm getting in and where I'm not.I would like to comment on this Canada. The bible tells us (in Hebrews by the way) that once you have repented and asked God for forgiveness of your sins he not only forgives them . . . he forgets them. As a christian myself, you are right, I have doubted from time to time . . . even if just slightly. You also are right, this is a sin . . .
  20. FOOSE1

    God Loves You

    Very good argument Canada. This is exactly why I like you so much (in a non-gay, non-stalker way just to be clear). You make me think. The truth is I really don't know how to answer a lot of your points. I know - shocking - a christian that doesn't pretend to know everything! I will give it to you that you make some great arguments. I can not disagree with a lot of what you said. Every christian, I don't care who they are, struggle with thoughts like you mentioned. There have been plenty of times that I have questioned God. Not only have I questioned his decisions regarding my life, b
  21. FOOSE1

    God Loves You

    Thank you for a well thought out argument Canada. I always like reading your input and hope that "both sides" stay true to this topic and the flaming is kept from this thread. So . . . here goes.In your example the "gang" represents hell. Very vivid by the way (you sicko ). You asked us to name a person that this gang could take and what would you do to keep them from being taken by this gang. I will name 4. My wife, my two sons and my daughter. What would I do? ANY AND EVERYTHING I POSSIBLY COULD TO KEEP THEM FROM SUCH A FATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So let me be detailed and give you what I,
  22. God Bless Lois. Good luck with everything my friend.I haven't been visiting much lately either. I also have taken my entire bankroll off all of the sites I played because, well, they won't allow US players anymore .
  23. FOOSE1

    Fun Thread

    WOW . . . you really hurt me with that one.
  24. I've always been partial to Matthew. That was the first book I really learned and studied. But . . . "it's all good".
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