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Everything posted by king_tanner

  1. from what I saw from reactions on the internet and from talking to people about it, the main conversation was the decision. Like all I was seeing and hearing was "did Paquiao really lose that fight?" and "boxing is so stupid." I could be off, I don't know. To me boxing is stupid though, the day after we have to read articles about how Pacquiao is done and he should have retired awhile ago when everyone knows he won the fight. Just in general it's exhausting hearing people discuss boxing polititcs year after year when there shouldn't be any boxing politics. We are a sophisticated society t
  2. Dude cmon, what do you mean it's not difficult to comprehend? Are we supposed to assume every judge is a total moron and can't fairly judge a fight because of crowd noise? And Atlas has nothing to do with anything. He is bad, and announcing can sway public opinion, but regardless of the announcing Pac won the fight. The guy was aggressive, so what, Pac connected more and hurt him more. Boxing won nothing. It was a good fight that was marred by corrupt judging. More people were able to watch because it wasn't a ppv and more people were able to see how dumb boxing is because 3 unbiased judge
  3. Wow both my picks get sniped in b2b weeks... not cool of course I tell Dubey his picks suck and now he has a good shot for both to make final 3
  4. go to yoga regularly and you will be fine in almost all post merge survivor challenges
  5. Man that tribe is a trainwreck. They are talking about keeping "physical players" but they don't have Malcolm and Michaela lifting the snake out of the water then they vote out Tony. Sandra the GOAT!!!!
  6. Sorry don't like your people Dubey. Cirie is your best bet. She is a great strategist but will probably be targeted because of that. She could also be an early liability in challeges since they go after out of shape chicks first and she is getting older. But if she can lay low early and get in a good alliance, she knows what to do. With Tai you have no shot. Best you can do is hope he aligns with the winner and somehow he gets roped to 2nd place. Beastmode was doing pretty well on his season but got medicaved due to heat stroke in a challenge he was beastmoding in. His tribe still won
  7. Yeah lol at gov not clarifying that, he hasn't posted it like that before, but I'm pretty sure you have Troyzan and Sarah I think I have Zeke and Debbie. If Debbie won it would be the best ever
  8. Gov looks like PayPal has exchange rates now. It says when I send $25 through friends and family USD it is transferring you $32.76 CAD. Does that sound right? I guess if there are any problems just refund the money.
  9. If we use Ottawa's friend and bob we only need one more. Brvheart usually plays...
  10. Meh kind of disagree about Ozzy, he seems to always have a pretty crappy social game. I am looking forward to next season too, I think I want a girl to win, so,done like Ciera I received the payment, thanks gov
  11. Fake idols have been done before. Pretty sure Yau-Man was the originator of the fake idol. This is my favorite fake idol moment:
  12. Sigh... RIP Adam's mom. But you can send me my first place money now
  13. It's usually not this exciting but I feel like now more often than not there is a blindside at tribal council. You should watch season 31 if you haven't yet (they are on 33 now). 31 was the season where they voted players to come back. That season there was really some crazy but new strategy going on and it really hasn't let up since then The stones has happened in the past (I'm pretty sure twice?) but I'm pretty sure both times going in they knew it was going to be a tie, in this recent situation there were so many people flip flopping back and forth between alliances that a tie wasn't ex
  14. Thought it was Adam's fault. When he says "it's Ken" what is David supposed to do? That was an amazing episode though
  15. I'm kind of on the fence on using the idol there, but leaning more towards it was a bad move. BTW I'm pretty sure the last time you can use an idol is at 5 people left. It was an ultimate move to gain trust. The three girls in the middle (Jessica, Cece, and Sunday) probably trust him now by making that move. And they can now move forward together. But it is too early. He is not going anywhere soon, if that tribe wants to vote out the weakest they vote out Cece, if they want to vote out the strongest they vote out one of the more muscular dudes. He was just in a snug spot at least for
  16. Ooo Adam's mom has cancer too. This edit can't get any better, send me my first place money now. Hope you get better Adam's mom!
  17. This might be finally my season. Adams getting that positive edit that I like. Bring it home to poppa!
  18. How do you do e-transfer? I didn't know I was screwing over gov every season with the exchange rate
  19. Gov can we all be randomly assigned one girl and one guy. I don't want to get stuck with 2 chicks. If not nbd
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