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Everything posted by cwik

  1. Also, my graph used to look like BSmitty's, but decided to start winning at both.
  2. yeah, some really good concepts in that video too. Like, 'how to sit with he worst opponent in the world' and 'how to run like god vs the worst opponent in the world' were some of my favorites. Def must see.
  3. That's because he doesn't know you're FCP. Post your screen name in this thread and call him out.
  4. I got hit and run by boston_sully a sec ago. He won a flip, then cracked my aces. ps. hi sully!
  5. no one wants advice from tourney a donk.
  6. That won't come till later tonight, gonna be fairly busy for the next few hours. On a completely different note, I have put in a ridiculous amount of hands so far this month.
  7. The WSOP ME is kind of an anomaly where it lets one person win ridiculous amounts of skalasky bucks that no poker player on earth 'deserves' in one coinflip. On the flip side, it is a lot harder to lose $10 mill through consecutive coinflips in a row (see my pun there?).Edit: Also, Jamie Gold and all the others never really ran statistically that hot over EV in big blinds's.
  8. I know of all people this might sound silly coming from me, but anyone who has put in any volume in this game that doesn't think their graph looks like this is fooling themselves.That said, the rest of it is completely accurate.
  9. sorry Ray. :(It's funny cause when I logged onto the account I was like, "weeee, I'm gonna run so hot on Rays luckbox machine!"
  10. The biggest problem with this graph is I had to name it sigh3, cause sigh and sigh2 were already taken on my desktop.
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