My New Swing Thought: Nothing
I’ve been practicing this week pretty well. Played back to back 36 hole days as well as an hour of practice each day. Sunday I rested and on Monday I played 18 holes at the Snow course where the tournament is being held. I played with E-Dog, Josh Arieh, and Peter Feldman and hit the ball well. My new caddie/coach helps me a lot in terms of course management, letting me know which side of the green to be on, if it’s better to be long or shot, and most importantly he helps to read my putts. We’ve been working together less than a week now, but already I can see that he is a good fit for me. He gets what I’m capable of at this point, more importantly, what is high risk for me. So tomorrow my tee time is 12:00pm but I plan on being there for 10:30am. I’ll putt for about 20 minutes, chip for about 20 minutes, and hit balls for maybe 15 minutes or so. Oh, the title of the blog, I almost forgot. Something I worked out, or tried on my own recently was a new swing thought, “nothing.” I’ve got about 7 different swing thoughts, so recently I decided, I wonder what would happen if I thought of nothing at all and just hit the ball? Presto! Gadzooks! It just might work sir! It has been I think and is so much less stressful. I’m really enjoying playing so much more. Christian (my new coach) hasn’t fiddled with my swing at all at this point. There isn’t enough time to make those changes in time for tomorrow, so he advised that we should just go with what we got. What we got, is an outside shot at best of winning the first round. I am not the best player in my group, but likely not the worst either. I’m still unsure who is in my group, but I saw two names on there that I know are much better golfers than me: Phil Ivey and David Oppenhiem are playing the same tees as me. In other words, I am going to have to get really lucky… ***************************************************************** POKER: Been playing online, $500-$1000 HORSE recently at Stars, mostly with a guy named TheBiggestFish from Helsinki. He plays in the mornings and I get up early now. In fact, it’s 11:30pm now and I’m about ready to pack it in… wish Hillary would too 🙂 ]]>