E-DOG Wins and Gongaza alum eats 60 pieces of Sushi!

the Subaru flung open and Adam added some much needed fertilizer to the yellow grass just outside of Boca Park. Thankfully, he was done puking by the time he got over to my place. We played a freeze out that came down to Jean Gluck and Blake Steph. Jean is a professional poker player who does well in the 100-200 games at the Commerce. Recently, she’s taken up no limit and appears to have some good instincts to say the least. Heads up, though, Blake took her down. Blake is actually an ex-Gonzaga player who was drafted by the Timberwolves and has played some in Europe before hurting his knee in ways I couldn’t even understand. He threw some Latin words at me that went right over my head, “Well I tore my maximus gluteus femur receptor bone in two places, have a laceration of the ceaserus nemous andrameous gland, and on top of that lost cartilage on the backside of my kneecap right underneath my cornepius muscle that’s connected to my exterior and anterior quadrilateral amphibious tendon.” What I got from that, was that his knee was messed up y’all! Blake and I schooled E-DOG and Nathan, another Gonzaga boy with knee issues, at the NBA Showtime. Blake and I just drilled them with our inside outside game. I had him go to the hole, and they could never deal with our sweet give and go’s. Frankly, it was a total mismatch and they never really got it close. ***************************************************************
It’s 2:00am now and I’m ready for bed. Tomorrow, I’ll be at the Palms ALL day from noon to 2:00am playing in season two of High Stakes Poker. I won’t be buying in for a million this time, but I’m prepared to go as deep as need be. I’m thinking about buying in for $200,000 and then rebuying depending on WHO doubles up, as most of the players will be buying in for the minimum of $100,000. I’ll be giving you all a report of the goings on in my next blog…]]>