60 Minutes, the PPT, and 200 e-mails
) John called and turned over the AK. No Jack for Jenny and that was that. So with little left to do I decided to tackle some e-mails in my room. I think I got through about 200 today and am almost done. For the record, if you do e-mail me I hope you all understand that I can’t pay detailed attention to each and every one. In fact, while I read all of them I set up a few auto responses to help me deal with strategy related e-mails or e-mails where people are looking for specific help. I try to be as helpful as I can, but the number of e-mails I get these days is truly overwhelming. As a side note, if you want to increase the chances that I answer your e-mail in a personal manner, try “short and sweet”. Anyway, I have an evening to kill here in Foxwoods and plan on getting some much needed relaxation in. Maybe catch a movie and put my brain to rest. Good night. Spiderman 2 or King Arthur….any suggestions?]]>