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Youtube V Viacom

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If you caught The Daily Show or The Colbert Report this, you might've heard them mention a lawsuit brewing between Viacom and Google (owners of YouTube). Apparently, Viacom thinks that YouTube actively supports copyright violation. They're suing for $1 billion in damages and hope to make video submission more stringent. The fun wrinkle to this story is that Google came out with a deposition list (each side calls "witnesses" from the other group). Stewart and Colbert are on the list. The list isn't finalized, but I hope they remain on it. It'd really hurt Viacom's case to have them testify.Here's a longer write-up from a blogger:http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2007/...be-vs-viac.htmlOn a related note, Colbert had a luddite author named Andrew Keen on his show on Thursday. Keen's book "The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture" seems ridiculously misguided. He suggests that the internet is destroying art by copying it illegally and watering it down with badness.

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