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Full Tilt Poker Game #1295000372: $25,000 Guarantee (8748380), Table 132 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:17:33 ET - 2006/11/23Seat 1: l3cl3c (7,195)Seat 2: joules360 (4,160)Seat 3: JHB913 (3,735)Seat 4: ser9700 (4,025)Seat 5: mrdestiny2 (1,890)Seat 6: HoosMoney (1,485)Seat 7: the_Tzar (3,805)Seat 8: dolp13 (3,015)Seat 9: wutwut00 (4,310)the_Tzar posts the small blind of 60dolp13 posts the big blind of 120The button is in seat #6*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to HoosMoney [Ah Qs]wutwut00 foldsl3cl3c calls 120joules360 foldsJHB913 foldsser9700 foldsmrdestiny2 foldsHoosMoney raises to 540the_Tzar foldsdolp13 foldsl3cl3c calls 420*** FLOP *** [Ac Kc Jd]l3cl3c checksHoosMoney bets 600l3cl3c raises to 1,200HoosMoney calls 345, and is all inl3cl3c shows [2d Ad]HoosMoney shows [Ah Qs]Uncalled bet of 255 returned to l3cl3c*** TURN *** [Ac Kc Jd] [Jc]*** RIVER *** [Ac Kc Jd Jc] [9h]l3cl3c shows two pair, Aces and JacksHoosMoney shows two pair, Aces and Jacksl3cl3c ties for the pot (1,575) with two pair, Aces and JacksHoosMoney ties for the pot (1,575) with two pair, Aces and JacksThe blinds are now 80/160*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3,150 | Rake 0Board: [Ac Kc Jd Jc 9h]Seat 1: l3cl3c showed [2d Ad] and won (1,575) with two pair, Aces and JacksSeat 2: joules360 didn't bet (folded)Seat 3: JHB913 didn't bet (folded)Seat 4: ser9700 didn't bet (folded)Seat 5: mrdestiny2 didn't bet (folded)Seat 6: HoosMoney (button) showed [Ah Qs] and won (1,575) with two pair, Aces and JacksSeat 7: the_Tzar (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 8: dolp13 (big blind) folded before the FlopSeat 9: wutwut00 didn't bet (folded)would have been nice.I am out lost a race with AQ against 1010. GL Kkot

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