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Statistics For The Fun Of It

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These are the extremes for people I've played against for people with at least 30 hands:Hands played: VPIP Pre-flop raise: 37 94.59 91.89 47 0.0 0.0[i saw this was hard to read above, I'll add this, hopefully it'll be a little easier]Reformat:HP/VPIP/PFR37/94.6/91.8947/0.00/0.00Player one, the maniac, also played a funny hand against me. I started with about $25, he had more(maybe $35), I flopped a great hand, and bet and bet and he called and called, finally I was in for about $22, so after the river card, I had three bucks left and threw it at this $50 pot.... he folded. Whoo hoo, I scared him out. I am GOOD! (Obviously chasing something that didn't come, but the board said he wasn't beating me if he hit it anyway, and his previous play said more likely he just thought he would bet me out of the pot. But why fold at that point, maybe I was just bluffing him back because I was tired of him?)

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