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last night in the grand prix...

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Up until recently, i've been doing fairly well, buit lately I've dropped a lot of $ on qualifiers and other stupid crap. In any case, I won a ticket into the GP last night and...The first two hours were a dog fight. Between getting (mostly) crap cards and sitting at a very aggressive table, I had to fight for every scrap and it didn't look good for a while, but I made it to the end of two hours with about 4500 in chips. Shortly into the third hour, I'd stabbed at a few pots and had no flop support for my marginal/weak cards and I was down to 1700 in chips. I picked up KK UTG and went all in, doubling up off a guy (BB) with pocket 6's. I hung tight for the next orbit, waiting for some cards while the blinds climbed again to 300-600 or so. I'm UTG again and I get KK again. I'm very pleased, but I don't like going all in without seeing what's up, but I went for it. I get two callers and I'm thinking "Please don't let it be AA". Both of them have KQ and I'm like wtf dominated!, but no K's left. Flop comes with rag rag 9, turn is a 10 and I'm thinking ANYTHING BUT A J! F**kin' J comes on the river...FAWK!!! Eliminated in 63, 23 out of the money.So, instead of having 10K chips and cruising to a money spot (40th would have been $300), I'm out. Stabbed in the gut.

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