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dan, poker and the reality tv :)

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just an idea, though may be a stupid one so you guys go easy on me on this.if structured properly, we could have a live headsup match with Dan on TV, the other end being the majority vote of the live viewers on TV (mayb from websites as well). so it'd go like this - Dan raises x amount on TV, and the viewers/participants will have, say, 3 minutes to get the response in - the Big Blue will assimilate the data and have a response back to Dan LIVE. (The disadvantage to Dan is that he wont have any read on the opponent :club: whereas opponents can see him on TV) - responses could be fold, call, raise bla bla (and you have options on the amount in terms of multiples of the blind etc). i bet there are so many people who would participate in this event it would potentially trump american idol votes (over 50mm americans play at least once a week of poker).. the news media get what they want - the ratings. Dan will have fun + all other positives that come with the show, and we will have a great time as well :)due to time delay, it might have to be filmed and rebroadcast.. i dont know the technical details.... I dont know about you guys but i'd PAY to participate.

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for one i dont think its lame. also, it trumps watching celebrities playing poker (if you call it that) or those amateurs playing sponsored by ultimatebet on TV - if those two shows have audience (i am pretty sure they do), i can't imagine this won't. 'The world is flat until one guy tries going around it.'

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How about a reality poker show where X amount of players live in the same house and go through various rounds of elimination and the winner gets a sponsorship, cash, and a heads of match against DN for 500,000

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How about a reality poker show where X amount of players live in the same house and go through various rounds of elimination and the winner gets a sponsorship, cash, and a heads of match against DN for 500,000
I had a somewhat similar idea myself.8-10 of the big name poker pro's would be teamed with a newbie "apprentice." Over the course of the first 3-4 weeks, the pro would train their apprentice in a variety of poker games. The apprentice would then be given a set bankroll and specific limits they may play at any casino in Vegas.At the end of each week, the bottom two teams determined by bankroll size(newbies) play an elimination heads up match.The winner of the whole thing would have his/her bankroll doubled, and a free entry to the WSOP ME next year... or similar sort of prize.
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