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I don't usually post things that i see on other blogs over again...but this one pisses me off..."4:45 - Guy hit a 20 to 1 shot on me then slorolled me...I bet the river...he called...I turned my hand up and he said "that's good"...5 seconds later he says "thats good for me" and he turned over the winning hand...cute eh? Guess that's what happends to the *******... "Oh man. I would be so pissed.

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when i first started playin poker in home games almost 10 years ago, i use to play with these guys from work and they loved to do that shhhiiat. I thought they were so childish. I was just learning about poker so i tolerated it until i found Commerce Casino. Then i had a tourney at my apartment and won the thing and they got pissed off when i started to do it to them. The next Monday they all said that they'll never go to any of my home games and i won't be invited to theres. :D:):):D:D:):):):club::):):):) I didn't give a shiiiat though cause i had a casino to play at now, and I took them for about 400 that night and left them a winner overall.Hey guys,...........in case your reading this.....................Faaaalllkk you!!!!!

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