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I'd call it way overrated, mostly by 20-something hammerheads who saw it when drunk, but I would dispute the statement that it is the worst film you've ever seen, unless you're quite careful about what movies you watch...

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I'd call it way overrated, mostly by 20-something hammerheads who saw it when drunk, but I would dispute the statement that it is the worst film you've ever seen, unless you're quite careful about what movies you watch...


I honestly wasn't exaggerating, I'm pretty sure it's the worst movie I've ever seen. I can't think of a movie that I've seen that comes close to being as bad as that (and generally, when you watch a really terrible movie, it's memorable enough, it's usually the 'meh' movies you forget about).


That said, I haven't seen the movies Jon mentioned, so it's definitely possible that it's not the worst movie ever, just the worst movie I've seen!

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I don't think it's the worst movie ever, but I think it has one of the bigger gaps between the movie it aspired to be and the movie it is. It styles itself a blue collar Tarentino movie. I watched it years ago, when some 20 something hammer heads recommended it to me, and I hated it. I watched it again about 6 months ago, and I thought it was hilarious. Obviously its bad, but I think it's very interestingly bad. It fails in a very ambitious way

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I remember I used to love it. I understood how bad it was and was ok with that, but I still thought it was awesome. tried to watch it again at least twice recently and couldn't get more than 20 minutes into it without getting disgusted. not sure what happened.

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