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Who Is Your Favorite Batman Character?

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Who else is stupid excited for the movie? To be honest, I liked Batman Begins far better than The Dark Knight but any Batman movie featuring Bane has to be sick (let's not mention Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.... so effing hot). Which brings up a very poignant question, who is YOUR favorite character? Mine would have to be Riddler (seriously, what poker player doesn't admire a guy who is a trapsetting genius?)Sidenote: I found this on YouTube (which makes me even more excited): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBr7ewqS8uE

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I'm not going to click on your link, Victor.Are you talking about Batman characters from the comics or the movies? In the movies, the two most iconic characters are Jack's Joker and Heath Ledger's Joker. So I'm going to say the Joker.

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Aside from Batman himself, who's the best comic character of all time, I think it's pretty easy choice of the joker. He's pretty much the archetype of the psychopathic criminal.But really, it's batman. I've always loved how psychologically dark Batman is ( at least, how he's been in my life time). There really isn't good and evil in batman, as much as there is a bunch of people with severe psychological illnesses that compel them to commit crimes. But Batman himself is no less psychologically damaged as the people he hunts, it's just his illness compels him to fight crime instead of commit it. He's not really a good guy, he's just crazy in a way that is beneficial to society. I always thought that was a much more interesting take on the masked crime fighter/super hero than something like superman.

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You make a really good point D, which is pretty much the reason I'm only a fan of Batman and pretty much no other superheroes. I need some small amount of belief in the characters being able to at least MAYBE be real. Batman (and most of the villains in the books, movies and shows) is basically just a regular guy who happens to be a little messed up and gets by on determination and resourcefulness. It's much more relatable than a perfect hero who can fly or shoot spiderwebs from his hands.

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after seeing the avengers i'm really into thor. rented the thor movie and i liked it a lot. although that has more to do with this [insert shirtless photo of hemsworth] than the movie itself.thor-movie-chris-hemsworth.jpg

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