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Hey these are a couple hands from my home game that I thought were some thinkers that i'd like to hear some comments about.We started 7 handed and were down to 3 handed for $10 buy-in Cash Game NLHE.Trevor - Button stack ($6)Gypsy Dan - SB stack ($32) – Very tricky aggressive player, likes to set a lot of traps and takes many stabs at pots when he senses weaknessMe - BB stack ($12)Trevor foldsGypsy Dan limpsI check with (Qs, 8d)Current Pot: .40 centsFlop comes: As, 7s, 5sGypsy Dan checkI check behind himTurn comes: 4sGypsy Dan bets .50 centsI smooth call and the pot is $1.80River comes: 6sGypsy Dan bets $2.00Now here is where my read comes in…I know that Gypsy Dan will bet into me even if he doesn’t have a spade hoping that I will either fold because I have a low spade or because I have the board. Meanwhile, I have the 4th nut, but it’s still a good hand.I raise to $6.00He waits a long time before asking me how much I have left. I’ve got about 5 bucks left and he puts me all in.Now I was thinking that he thought I was trying to push him off a pot that might be split. I still have a decent hand but really he could have any two cards. He could have the straight flush or he could have the Ks, there’s 3 cards that can beat me and he could or could not have those cards…What do you do?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------This second hand, I’m not really asking for advice, I just wanted to demonstrate this great bet my friend did against me. Trevor BB– ($8)Gypsy Dan Button– ($35)Me SB– ($17)Gypsy Dan foldsI limp in the SB with (8c 7d)I had been limping in the SB a lot, both with big hands and trash hands because I know the BB’s postflop play is horrible plus he’s tight, so I see if I can milk a lot of money from him.Trevor in the BB checksPot Size: .40Flop comes: (As, 8d, 5c)To me this is a big flop, I know he doesn’t have an ace because he raises with any ace, and the board is fairly unconnected.I check, and Trevor quickly checks.Turn comes 7hNow I have a monster.I check again, and he quickly checks once more.Dammit. Well lets hope he catches up on the riverRiver comes 2s. BLANKOkay, I’m probably not going to get any money out of this pot, but I bet the pot anyway cuz there’s not a lot of money there. I bet .40 cents out there.Trevor plays with his chips and looks like he’s not sure what to do, and he pushes all in for another $7 bucks. Easy fold right? I have less than a dollar in the pot! But I want to make money and he’s made such a huge overbet.My read on him, he likes to play the game but has some huge misconceptions about it. He’s an okay player, but he isn’t a great postflop player. He doesn’t know pot odds and doesn’t think he needs to know them, and instead relies on instinct. He thinks I’m a good player and he knows I think and play the game a lot. When he pushed all in, he know’s it’s an overbet and he knows I know it’s an overbet.I deliberate a long time, I know I have zero money invested in the pot, but his all-in is so fishy. He’s done this before and has shown a complete bluff so that makes it even more fishy. I really think I could have the best hand, I’m almost positive he doesn’t have an ace, so what I’m scared about is the straight possibility…Anyway, I end up calling and turn over my two pair, and he flips over his cards and he has 9c 6s for a straight!DAMN! What a bet…He KNEW exactly what I was going to do and how I would perceive that bet. He knew it would be fishy if he bet all in and I guess when he pushed in he just hoped I had a good enough hand. But, what a bet by him, I got PLAYED.

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Guest XXEddie

hand 1DONT RAISE THE RIVER....and once you did fold to the allinhand 2fold.....hell you knew that and you still called

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Hand 1 you're getting 14 to 5 on your call with the 4th nuts in a 3 player game against a person who you said could very easily have any 2, be bluffing, etc. I think it's far more likely he has a medium flush than anything else. If he had Ks, I personally don't think he'd have shoved, and I doubt a straight flush would have bet over pot at the start of the river. Assuming you could re-buy (and considering the chip total on hand 2 is higher, it looks like you can), I would call, and expect something like J or T:spade: enough of the time to make it profitable, even if the chance he has Ks / SF is reasonable.Hand 2 I agree easy fold. In my personal experience, bluffers rarely try the same trick twice. They're smarter than you think; they recognize that once they've been exposed, all the "good players" will pick up on it and usually call reasonable hands. Online if I see one player bluff but get called but raise the next hand, they're almost never bluffing the second time. A completely rags hand would usually fold in that situation, even by a bluffer, as the pot is so miniscule (2 BB). A mid-range hand such as Q8 or even a ragged ace would probably have defended on flop or turn. I think set or straight is the only reasonable hand he could have in that situation.

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