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Carbon Poker 'scheduled' Update

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Here's the story. Just last night... Or this morning according to Carbon time...I was playing in a Freeroll tourney, (00:15) carbon time. One hour later, Carbon makes a news update saying they're going to make a scheduled update, at 2:00. This is only an hour warning...I didn't really like the way they handled things, but I don't know.So I'm still in the tourney, 56 people left of 1500, and an administrator shuts down the tourney. It then says, that all buy-ins will automatically be returned to the players' accounts. (Damn. Still nothing.)Now I'm thinking, how could they make a surprise update like this, then shut down every tournament in progress?

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Yeah that's bs, I'd be pissed. On a side note, I noticed that Carbon Poker now has 'run it twice' tables. I was excited to see this the other day, I think a lot of people would want to try this kind of table after watching HSP. I played one the other day for like 45 minutes, but didn't get to run it twice b/c I was never all-in. I assume if you get all-in then you have the option to select to run it twice, and if both players choose to then the site proceeds to run it twice. That's what I am picturing anyways.

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