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cash game - all in preflop w/tt

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OK, playing at the Wynn 2/5 no limit hold'em game, bought in for $400. Only a few hands in, I get TT in 7th position. Folded to me, I raise 15, guy on the button raises to 30. I re-raise to 60, and he pushes all in. We have about the same amount of chips, he might have me covered.I know this guy is tight - I had already witnessed a crazy hand involving a $2000+ pot. I may post the details of that pot in another post, but I could tell from his endless comments on how he would've played it that he was a tight player.If this is early in a tournament, it seems like an easy laydown. However, it's a cash game, so the situation is slightly different. Since I re-raised him and then he pushed all-in, I put him on JJ QQ KK or AA, and figured even if he has AK, i'm 50-50 at best, so I laid it down. Was this the right move?Thanks.p.s. - Wynn was very nice, but given all the hype, I expected more...

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you shouldn't have re-raised. you said yourself he is tight so if anything you should of just called and seen the flop. but u did re-raise and after the all-in there is no way you can call.i had a similar situation sat nite playing 1/2 nl at casino niagara. MP raises 15 (overbet i know) i reraise to 30 from the button (keep in mind the max buyin is only a $100). he pushes all-in and mucked JJ. he ended up showing me KQs and i laughed because the only hand that he had a chance against was JJ.

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