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A Fun Final Table

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It's few and far between that I play tournaments. Unless it's a WPT, and today is no exception.One of the things that I like to do in my group chats with current and past students is ask how everyone is doing. Dave (Pack149) happened to be at the final two tables of the 14k guarenteed on Full Tilt. So I had a chance to sweat, discuss some ideas, concepts, etc. And some of the other guys got to watch as well.He started with avg chips and managed to get to the final table heads up. Eventually finishing second. Congrats to Dave!Although I'm no expert in tournaments, I feel like I have pretty good poker sense. And this is incredibly important in any form of poker.Some of the things his opponents were doing were just fundamentally horrible, some of the things were actually pretty good imo. Dave played very well for the most part. He didn't make any big mistakes. He did rely a bit on the cards themselves as opposed to position, stack size, etc. But these are adjustments that we discussed.It's great to be able to work on late stage tourney strategy. It's not something that I get to do often these days. I'm sure that a lot of you guys are pros when it comes to tourneys and what not. But this was a fun experience for me. And watching one my students succeed is really nice. Although second place is bitter sweet. Anyway, just thought I would share.And again, congrats to Dave for his second place finish.

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