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I was wonding how I should approach playing A,A,2,5 ; A,A,J,4 ; A,A,9,3 offsuit ; etc in low stakes ($0.10/$0.25 ; $0.25/$0.50) cash games? Against weak aggressive players should I put in the third raise preflop??, if not, how do you play against scary boards? thanks for help

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I was wonding how I should approach playing A,A,2,5 ; A,A,J,4 ; A,A,9,3 offsuit ; etc in low stakes ($0.10/$0.25 ; $0.25/$0.50) cash games? Against weak aggressive players should I put in the third raise preflop??, if not, how do you play against scary boards? thanks for help
It these games (I should mention that I play mostly 10-max, maybe shorthanded it is different), a re-raise from a non-maniac usually indicates an AA hand, so you shouldn't necessarily be in a hurry to make a re-re-raise with your aces. If it is a raise and re-raise to you and you are in the blinds with a weak AA hand, then you can consider folding (just because calling and playing the hand out of position would be really bad). But against a player who is raising and re-raising liberally, it is probably correct to make the third raise to punish them.If you have not committed a large % of your stack preflop with your aces, you generally don't want to get too involved on the flop unless you hit something. If the flop is extremely dry, like 722 or T32, or if you are holding "blockers" (like if there is a flush or flush draw on the flop and you have the ace of that suit) then you can take a stab at it.
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