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Tptk - Bet For Value On River?

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Hero ($31.05)MP ($10.45)CO ($16.35)Button ($7.25)SB ($12.65)BB ($26.10)Preflop: Hero is UTG with J :5c , A :D . Hero raises to $1, 4 folds, BB calls $0.75.Flop: ($2.10) J :ts , 7 :club: , 4 :D(2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $1.5, BB calls $1.50.Turn: ($5.10) 2 :4h(2 players)BB checks, Hero bets $2.75, BB calls $2.75.River: ($10.60) 4 :D(2 players)BB checks, Hero ?Bet for value or check behind?Villain is 23/5/1.8 through 40

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I just don't see anyone trapping you down three streets like this with a set or anything like that. I'd probably bet about 2/3 the pot.

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Yeh i think a bet is good, but there've been a fair few times when i've insta bet this and people have called with J7 or something random that beats me.You can also fold easily to a raise so i don't think we should check here.

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