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As Daniel Once Asked:

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It is.So I am offering 5 $5 freebies to a $4.40, 180 person SNG on Stars. Two conditions to meet:1) We all have to play the tourney that I will decide upon as soon as the 5 are chosen.2) Tell me why, as Frank Zappa once said: "It is ****ing great to be alive."These are freebies. You keep what you win. Try not to be flippant.

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It is.So I am offering 5 $5 freebies to a $4.40, 180 person SNG on Stars. Two conditions to meet:1) We all have to play the tourney that I will decide upon as soon as the 5 are chosen.2) Tell me why, as Frank Zappa once said: "It is ****ing great to be alive."These are freebies. You keep what you win. Try not to be flippant.
blufferdave (frazze)first :icon_biggrin:play poker all night and sleep in late
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i apply for too many stakes so its fine if u dont choose mefor me its great to be alive because i have the opportunity to travel the world (as i am now) and meet new ppl and see a lot of stuff most ppl wouldnt get the chance to donaslund44(kelowna)

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It's ****ing great to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and if you do not believe it is ****ing great to be alive, you better go now, because this show will bring you down so muchjimrad = pokerstars

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Naslund.First recipient. Travel the world. It is a great experience.Shipping $5 now.And it is no stake. Keep the money. You just have to stick around for a few and play the SNG I choose.Don't worry, I won't be up all night. I'll choose one within 30 minutes.

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It's great to be alive because wonderful people like Potomophobia are alive to offer such generous stakes to the poker population that is currently broke or on it's way there.Thanks Potomophobia! :club: BobVersion1 - Middletown

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life is great 'cause of poker, fcp, ps3 & eventually GTA 4 (which i'm hoping holds up to all the hype) and devil may cray 4 too.....tealsea76 (FCP Regina)

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Me thinks OP doesn't like sucking up... which would = my bad lol.Seriously though, I got married last year, hopefully will be starting a family this year, Life is just great in general. Smile as much as you can every day!If not chosen for a stake, no big deal. Very generous of you though in any way. Hope Karma is nice to you!

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OK.Tourney #: 74329868Let's go gentlemen. $4.40 SNG
who was 5th?
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Bobversion1 gets the last freebie.I hope you are from Middletown.SHipped
gl guys someone better TID
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Bobversion1 gets the last freebie.I hope you are from Middletown.SHipped
I am, ty very much! I will Register as soon as it electronically flies over here lolEdit : IN! VGL All and thanks again OP!
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