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Trouble Hands In Ep

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This might be basic but I’m not sure what the optimum strategy is in these general situations,You’re in the money at the mid to late stages of a low buy-in MTT with 20BBs and in early position,You’re table image is TAG.At a standard 9 player table with a mix of playing styles what do you do with hands like KQs, A10o, AJo, 55, 66 from UTG and UTG+1?Is it correct to assume limping is ootq in these spots?What will influence whether you raise it or muck it?I seem to get myself in trouble raising in these spots, Is mucking a high % of the time -EV.Ty for input.

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Completely depends on your image. But I will tell you why!If you haven't been involved in many pots, I like to raise with mid-pairs to steal blinds, break anyone if I flop a set, or take the pot down with a CB. I see little value in doing anything but folding AT/AJ/A9 and the like from EP. If the table has been sickly passive, then you can put in a raise with them, but the flops that are going to make you jump for joy are few and far between.. At this stage of the tourney you need to start looking for reasons to stay out of pots as opposed to reasons to stay in pots. And the second/third time you steal in an orbit, you better actually have a hand you are willing to go with. People notice very little in these suckers, but they do notice who is raising their blinds and/or making them fold their precious J10 and 33.Folding>limping>calling, except in the pocket pair scenario. Everytime you limp late in a tournament, god kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens.

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Personal style of course, but I muck everyone of those hands UTG, with the AJo being borderline (dependent on how many shortstacks are on the table, desperate enough to call with A-x). I try to stay away from the action in EP unless I have a premium or near-premium hand (aka AQ+, TT+)... hands like 88, 99, and AJ are all borderline. I play very TAG in EP, and fairly LAG in LP unless table play dictates otherwise. I try to build my stack up through desperate shortstacks as much as possible, and capitalize on bubble play tightness, since my main goal is to FT. It's hard to take advantage of the table from UTG, so I avoid being in a pot unless I really have a hand that warrants it.

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