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Posts posted by Timdog1010

  1. Should I bone my ex-sister in law?Discuss.
    So I called in sick today. Just had to stop in for a minute.For those of you who were horrified, I just wanted to say that I'd never, ever follow thru on this. I was mostly kidding.But she has been at my house a lot babysitting, and there have been some wierd vibes, and I was hearing a lot of complaints about the thread being dead, so I thought I give you guys something to chew on.But I could never bone my son's aunt. Just wanted to throw that out there...
  2. Timdog stopped in...
    Did he say anything about me or someone I might like?
    First of all... I'm glad to see Turd Furgeson posting. I'm sure I'm really late to the "Welcome back Turd Party", but so be it...In other news, I'm only going to be online for a minute tonight, but I want to throw out a little moral dilemma I've got and hopefully get some responses from the peanut gallery. I'll check in tomorrow to see what you all think. Here it is:Suppose, hypothetically, that I'm not comfortable having just anyone babysit my son, therefore I usually get family to sit for him, or I don't go out at all.And suppose, hypothetically, that my usual go-to babysitter (my mom) has been too busy to sit much lately since she takes care of my ailing grandfather.And suppose, hypothetically, that my ex-wife's twin sister (yes, they're both hot) has been coming over a lot lately to sit for me.And suppose, hypothetically... ok, well, you see where I'm going with this.Obviously this would make me a dirtbag.What I'm asking is: how much of a dirtbag would it make me?Would it be like "oh Tim, haha, you're such a dirtbag for nailing your ex-wife's twin sister"?Or "seriously dude, I'm not sure I can be friends with you anymore since you're such a dirtbag."I'll check back tomorrow.Discuss.
  3. So I was just randomly looking at some pages in this thread and laughing my *** off.I almost forgot how funny some of you are... (Not you. Or you. But you... you're funny)I miss this place.How weird is that?I'm just going to have to make more of an effort to check in regularly.It probably won't happen during office hours but I'll be around more often in the evenings (eastern time).And for those of you in the midwest, that sound you just heard was Speedz.Don't be frightened, he always makes that noise when he, um... climaxes.There'll be some whimpering and then it'll all be over.I'm going to fold laundry now (I wish I were making that up)taek it easy everyone.

  4. Turd is doing well. He has some news for us apparently, but hasn't broken it out yet. Unfortunately there are no hot lesbo LG pics...yet. There's still a 25% chance that she's Turd, so that's ok with me.Chicago is cold. I'm still working from home in my boxers, which is nice. I've also been able to see a lot of close friends from college that live in the area, so aside from the climate change it's much better than Scottsdale. Yes, me and the college friends have gotten gay. Yes, I've posted a few stories about it. No, I'm not sure how to look them up to repost for your amusement.What else is new with you? How's the kid?
    Wait, so Caleb's posting again? Cool.Funny how I'm glad to hear that considering that i haven't posted myself in forever.I'm just happy for the thread. I'm a team player...Rest assured that I'll begin my search for drunken, gay Matt stories as soon as I'm done posting this...My kid's awesome. He's 5 now, in preschool, and I'm fairly certain he can read better than I can. He kinda scares me.He also makes me feel like one of those sitcom dads.You know the sitcom dad who's so stupid he can barely feed himself? And he's no match at all for his kids, and you cannot think of one good reason why the sitcom mom would ever have hooked up with him in the first place?Yeah, I feel like that guy most of the time.And they say primetime tv has lost all relevance...
  5. Painful. In the bad way...but sort of in the good way too.You've been missed, but your sudden departure many moons ago makes me wary of fully giving my e-gay-heart to you again for a long long time. At least 16 hours.
    fair enough.I can wait......so how about now?
  6. Not much happened. Thread is slowing down. We miss your gayness. LadyGrey is lesbo. Ron has lost weight. Anal beads.
    I want to ask about Turd, but I'm afraid to.wait, don't tell me, I don't want to know...tell me there's hot lesbo LadyGrey pics buried in this thread waiting for me to find them.And BTW - how's Chicago?
  7. TIM! How the hell have you been? I'm sure some of the people even older than me will appreciate you stopping in.
    this struck me as funny as you're like, what? 14 years old?isn't everyone older than you?
    well if I didn't just blow a load for old times sake...
    I knew I smelled something! Nothing else in the world smells like a mixture of strawberry pop tarts, scallops & desitin.I miss your splooge.
    Creepy. Could Tim have an alter ego that he saw the avatar with? Or maybe he just stops by once in a while without logging in.Either way, I'd love to know if his boss and girlfriend ever made whoopie.Hi Tim.
    not that I know of.We split up for completely unrelated reasons.I was lying to Shake.Of course it's your splooge I really miss...So who can get me up to speed in 20 words or less?
  8. Dear Speedz,I met this chick at the bar last weekend.She was cute, I was witty - yada, yada, yada,We ended up back at my house & it was going really well until I asked if I could call her "Matt".Awkward hilarity ensued, followed shortly thereafter by blue balls.So what I'm trying to say is...I miss you.But not in a 'gay' way.Cause, you know,That'd be weird...

  9. You know, I never really got into the Croc hunter show and what not, I always thought he was just some wacko that liked to jump on top of alligators and play with snakes. After watching all the tribute stuff today though, that guy was a pretty freakin good dude.Also, after thinking about it, its almost better that he was killed in a freak accident by an animal that really doesn't kill people often or easily. If he was eaten by a crocodile or bitten by a snake or something, people would've just concentrated on him being crazy or something and say "thats what you get", but since it was such a rare occurence getting stung by a stingray, people can concentrate more on what good things he did.ok, end weird, uncharacteristic, sentimental post
    Since when do you post on this forum?
  10. And, I got reraised on 4 consecutive steal attempts, finally pushed with KT, ran into AT, and I'm done.Tim, good to have you back, I look forward to seeing your ass more often from now on.
    Thanks Zim. goodnight all. I've got to be back at the office bright & early.I'll try to pop in more often.Zim, I'm going to need a report on every lunch you've had since May. If you could have that on my desk in the morning that'd be super...
  11. well...yes, yes it is.Speaking of masturbation, (tim, i'm currently staying at my g/f's parents' house dogsitting for the week by myself)it's really difficult when there are three clingy dogs in the house. I literally have to wait until they're all asleep and then tiptoe out of the room with my laptop to go rub one out. Frankly, it's embarrassing for all of us.
    Yeah, my cat sometimes stares at me when I'm trying to take care of business. I've gotten into the habit of bringing a good 'throwing shoe' over to the couch with me so that I don't have to get up to chase her away...
  12. Yeah, by the way, the fact taht you needed your ladyfriend to alert you to the fact taht we thought you were dead is upsetting me.How dare you put your real life before our e-love?
    No matter how busy I get, you're always the subject of my daily in-the-shower masturbation. Isn't that enough for you?
  13. Couldn't say for sure.What's been happening with you? Details, my man, details.
    I've been really busy. Work's picked up, I've been on the road. Plus, I'm taking classes at night now, and I've got the 4 year old son...I'm just been out-of-my-mind-busy for the past two months...But the girlfriend actually checked out the thread and saw that you thought I was dead, so she told me that I needed to show my face in here...So here I am.
  14. 5 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)3 Members: speedz99, Timdog1010 , zimmer4141HE LIVES!!!
    It was my love for you which got me thru the hard times...
    6 User(s) are reading this topic (2 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)4 Members: ajs510, speedz99, Timdog1010, zimmer4141Where the hell have you been mister!!!Welcome back, we were getting seriously worried about your ass...
    Sorry to worry you, I've been crazy busy. I'm actually in a hotel in Des Moines right now. Work's been crazy...
    Welcome back Timmy!!
    Thanks. What happened to the picture of your boobs?
  15. Ahh the love. I miss this place. At my new job I actually have to "work". Its terrible. I don't know how people do this all there lives. So does anyone still play poker? DN won anything recently? Ron Mexico pick up any new diseases?
    Where the f.uck have you been?
  16. 10 User(s) are reading this topic (1 Guests and 1 Anonymous Users)8 Members: Timdog1010, zimmer4141, All_In, Bizzle, Ouch-8s, Ron_Mexico, Randy Reed, mrdannygI'm hoping this is the guy from the Full Tilt ads who takes his shirt off and throws it on the table...

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