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Posts posted by AKProdigy

  1. As you said, hate the turn bet. I can't properly answer this without knowing your own image. If he perceives you as someone who likes to bluff with air, it increases the chance this is a bluff-raise on the river. If he has a hand here that beats you, he has to be pretty sure you're going to bet out the river.

  2. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)CO ($6.55)Button ($15.75)Hero ($15.20)BB ($8.85)UTG ($5.90)MP ($8.20)Preflop: Hero is SB with 5 :D , 4 :D . 3 folds, Button raises to $0.3, Hero calls $0.25, 1 fold.Flop: ($0.70) Q :) , 3 :) , T :D(2 players)Hero checks, Button checks.Turn: ($0.70) 2 :club:(2 players)Hero checks, Button bets $0.4, Hero calls $0.40.River: ($1.50) A :D(2 players)Hero bets $1, Button raises to $2.4, Hero raises to $3.8, Button raises to $15.05, Hero ?Note: Not a hand played by myself.Hero is 40/2/0.28 (in other words loose-passive)Villain is 27.7/16.5/2.0, fairly aggressive postflopHistory: Hero won a 10$ hand with J5 on a 55959, where villain had 9A, and bet out until the river, and flat called a 4$ bet from hero. Other than that, haven't tangled much.

  3. Reeaaalll obvious fold. Pre-flop raise wasn't nessecary especially in MP, but not all too bad, I'm sure I do this also once in a while. Flop, obviously you can't bet as a steal with 4 hands in there, someone most likely hit. And turn, I personally raise 3.5x his bet instead of 3x :club: after that, fold fold fold!
    I always throw in the odd raise there with suited connectors... i play a fairly LAG preflop style 6-max and then try to outplay people postflop (its fairly easy to pick up pots on uncoordinated low flops).
  4. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from http://www.flopturnriver.comFlopTurnRiver.com (Format: Plain Text)Hero ($10.55)CO ($4.20)Button ($17.50)SB ($6.05)BB ($11)UTG ($1.95)Preflop: Hero is MP with 9c, 8c. UTG calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.3, 2 folds, SB calls $0.25, BB calls $0.20, UTG calls $0.20.Flop: ($1.20) 4h, 9s, As (4 players)SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero checks.Turn: ($1.20) 8d (4 players)SB bets $1.1, BB calls $1.10, UTG folds, Hero raises to $3.3, SB raises to $5.75, BB raises to $10.7, Hero folds.Note: I was multitabling and made a rare mistake reading the action before me, hence the weak preflop raise (i thought action had folded to me as i was hitting the button)SB: not much of a read... seems kinda loose-passive but very small sample sizeBB: Tight... running 14/7/.8 through 30 hands (small sample size again)Comments on all streets minus preflop.

  5. OK, first off ... I hate raising A8. It has very limited value. The blinds in a cash game have very little value. I don't care if we have the button or not, they're not worth "stealing." I'd rather raise a suited 57 from the button than an A8 any day.
    I play a LAG style. I have A8 OTB, I'm clearly not folding here, and limping is horrible imo. I'm pretty sure this is standard.
    Anyway, with that being done and over with, we have to figure out why the SB would be willing to risk another five times his small blind to see a flop. Seems like it would have to be a pretty good hand, unless villain is very much into "defending his blinds." But he doesn't re-raise so I would say range is a paint hand KQ QJ, or 99 88 77 . ... 78 89 if he's loose. That's the range in my mind and it's confirmed on the river, and I'll tell you why.
    It's not like 3x bb is a huge amount... I'm not sure why he's "risking" anything, he's calling 0.25 into a pot of 0.45. It shouldn't matter what he has in the pot already, just simply what he has to call and what is in the pot. My button raising range could be fairly wide here. He doesn't hold garbage, but his range might be fairly wide here.
    So here we are at the flop ... we bet double the value of the existing pot preflop, but then when we see a flop, we slip back down to a 5/7th pot bet after SB checks, so we're both signalling weakness. Turn comes and hits our hand, and we bet even less than our C-bet, signalling even more weakness. We're not filling this pot, and SB is wondering why, so he tests our hand with a raise, either that, or he signals that he thinks he's ahead or this 8 hit his hand, which we then call, further muddying the water. By the time the river rolls around, the SB is so confused, he makes a 1/5th pot bet which we choose to JUST CALL with TPTK.I don't get any of it. I put the villain on 99 or 89 or 78, and think he's totally confused by our line -- he thinks we could have a big ace or a high PP like JJ or TT which is why he makes the weakish bet at the end with his 99 paired 8 etc.
    This is the part of the post that confused me even more. I raised 3x bb, and ~2/3 the pot on the flop... all standard sized bets. I'm not sure what you're implying? Do you want me to bet 2x the pot or something here? And first you put the villain on 78 89 or 99, and then ask me why I just called? I'm clearly not raising there, my only option is folding to the value bet but the 1/5 sized bet clearly prices me in and at $10 NL, I'm pretty sure I call.I don't mean to come off as an ass, but your post was fairly confusing to me to put it lightly.
  6. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)UTG ($5.40)MP ($1.30)Hero ($10.65)SB ($6.65)BB ($6.35)Preflop: Hero is Button with A :) , 8 :D . 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.3, SB calls $0.25, 1 fold.Flop: ($0.70) 6 :D , 2 :D , 6 :D(2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $0.5, SB calls $0.50.Turn: ($1.70) 8 :club:(2 players)SB checks, Hero bets $1, SB raises to $2, Hero calls $1.River: ($5.70) 5 :)(2 players)SB bets $1.1, Hero calls $1.10.Final Pot: $7.90No read on villain.Standard? Do you fold either turn or river?

  7. What I hate here is that pushing means either one of two things:You win ~45 dollars (since he would likely fold any hand you have beat).You lose 83.35 dollars (Noted you have 4 outs if he does have the flush or a lower set, but for simplicity's sake).Ugly spot. He could easily be semibluffing with the Ac, pushing you off what he knows is not the nuts. If you think he would fold AA, KK, 88 or AK to a shove, I'd shove. If not, I probably lay it down. I'll admit I feel weak-tight saying that though.

  8. Am I missing something here? This is 0.05/0.10NL right? I take it you folded the hand after villain pushes... There's also 2 clubs on the flop. I know one thing and that is fish LOVE the slow-play. I think it's pretty likely villain may be 4-flushed and you have the ace of clubs so it wouldn't be that bad a call. And hey, it's only 10 freakin dollars. If losing $10 is going to be a problem for you, I would quit poker.... or life, whichever is easier. The min-reraise on the flop is really bad though. You gotta push it or fold, IMO.
    1) Sure there are a lot of fish at this level, but not everyone is. You'd be surprised at the amount of semi-tight poker that gets played even at these levels.2) 10 bucks isn't really anything to me personally, but its still about 3 - 4% of my online cash bankroll. I don't really get why the actual amount is relevant in the scope of the question. It's about +EV play, not whether the monetary value will actually change my life.
  9. I raise it more preflop..i like to do 4x +1 per limp playing 6max.. so i make it .60 to go.. I think this is an auto fold.. I cant think of anything that pushes here that we beat2) I dont like the reraise on the flop..if you suspect he is weak and looking to find out you need to do more than basically minraising.. if i had a read that i'm ahead and looking to find out i raise to $3.50-$4 but most time i either call his minraise.. or fold there
    I generally use a 3x + limper rule, but thats more or less adapted from my low blind level tourney/sng playing. Has it proven that 4x has an advantage over 3x in uNL 6 max play? I'm new to cash games in general.I agree the reraise is fairly bad in that spot, especially the min raise. If we raise to 4 though, aren't we ALMOST pot committed considering the chance he might be on a FD, plus the fact that we have ~ 2 outs twice plus runner runner flush possibilities?Can we really find a fold to his initial raise there?
  10. An important point on this hand is that the villain is short-stacked. He's only got like 40 bbs to start. Since you flopped tptk, you might as well try to stack him. Bet the turn.As played, bet like $2 on the river. Most likely he'll either fold or push for the 60 cents or whatever it is he has left. If the villain were deeper, checking the turn for pot control, and then firing a decent bet on the river (maybe like 2/3 of the pot) would be my line.
    I like. Didn't even consider the shortstacked angle until I looked at the hand after. Its probably something I'll need to unconscientiously pick up while multi tabling. Anyways, turned out he had K4o (lol). For some reason alarm bells were going off in my head on the turn, probably prematurely though. I really had no idea what he had on the river other than it was a hand I had beat. Thanks for all the responses.
  11. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP ($15.50)Button ($9.75)SB ($5.65)Hero ($10)UTG ($9.60)Preflop: Hero is BB with A :D , A :D . 1 fold, MP calls $0.10, Button calls $0.10, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.5, MP folds, Button calls $0.40.Flop: ($1.15) 5 :D , J :club: , J :D(2 players)Hero bets $0.7, Button raises to $1.4, Hero raises to $2.7, Button raises to $9.25, Hero ?1) Is this as automatic of a fold as I think it is?2) How bad is the re raise on the flop?No reads, first hand on table.

  12. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)SB ($9.80)BB ($15.10)UTG ($12.75)MP ($5)Hero ($6.60)Button ($10.70)Preflop: Hero is CO with Q :club: , A :D . 1 fold, MP calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.4, 2 folds, BB calls $0.30, MP folds.Flop: ($0.95) 5 :D , A :D , 7 :D(2 players)BB bets $0.5, Hero raises to $1.3, BB raises to $7.5, Hero ?What range do we put villain on here? Can we call this with no reads?

  13. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)SB ($1.45)BB ($10.75)UTG ($5.85)MP ($3.95)Hero ($9.80)Preflop: Hero is Button with A :) , T :) . 1 fold, MP calls $0.10, Hero raises to $0.4, 2 folds, MP calls $0.30.Flop: ($0.95) T :D , 8 :D , 4 :D(2 players)MP checks, Hero bets $0.7, MP calls $0.70.Turn: ($2.35) 3 :D(2 players)MP checks, Hero checks.River: ($2.35) 5 :club:(2 players)MP checks, Hero bets $0.6, MP calls $0.60.Final Pot: $3.55No read on villain. Am I missing value here on the turn and river? River I was just trying to squeeze a few more cents out of him without scaring him away. Was unsure whether or not to bet the turn. Bad idea to give a potential free card away?

  14. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP ($8)Button ($6.65)SB ($7.30)Hero ($7.55)UTG ($15.85)Preflop: Hero is BB with K :D , Q :D . 1 fold, MP calls $0.10, 1 fold, SB completes, Hero checks.Flop: ($0.30) 5 :D , 9 :D , K :club:(3 players)SB checks, Hero bets $0.3, MP raises to $0.6, SB folds, Hero raises to $1.8, MP raises to $3, Hero ?Autoshovel or flat call? Villain seems LOOSE (VPIP ~ 50%, small sample size), Not a clueless donk, just very loose, fairly aggressive postflop. Note: Sorry if some of these hands I post are fairly mundane. Getting sick of the variance of tournies/sng's and trying to build up a cash bankroll starting with a portion of my actual bankroll. Trying to shift from a tourney mindset to a cash game mindset (more standard less creative play i think lol).

  15. PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)BB ($11.60)UTG ($10.30)MP ($14.00)CO ($15.60)Button ($13.25)Hero ($32.00)Preflop: Hero is SB with Kheart.gif, Theart.gif. 3 folds, Button calls $0.25, Hero completes, BB checks.Flop: ($0.75) 8club.gif, 6diamond.gif, Jheart.gif(3 players)Hero checks, BB checks, Button checks.Turn: ($0.75) 8heart.gif(3 players)Hero checks, BB checks, Button checks.River: ($0.75) 5heart.gif(3 players)Hero bets $0.5, BB raises to $1.25, Button folds, Hero?Do you flat call here? No reads. If not, how much do you reraise?

  16. PokerStars Game #11576454744: Tournament #57898632, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/08/19 - 15:53:59 (ET)Table '57898632 1687' 9-max Seat #4 is the buttonSeat 1: RigoletoBr (2095 in chips) Seat 2: vanZijtveld (3410 in chips) Seat 3: AKProdigy (665 in chips) Seat 4: CHIcLEADER (3145 in chips) Seat 5: mi23092 (3250 in chips) Seat 6: N00Z (3765 in chips) Seat 7: ChitwnHitman (3855 in chips) Seat 8: stosh101 (4570 in chips) Seat 9: streetlaw (2245 in chips) mi23092: posts small blind 25N00Z: posts big blind 50*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to AKProdigy [9c 9d]ChitwnHitman: calls 50stosh101: calls 50streetlaw: calls 50RigoletoBr: calls 50vanZijtveld: folds AKProdigy: calls 50CHIcLEADER: calls 50mi23092: calls 25N00Z: checks *** FLOP *** [Js Kh 5d]mi23092: checks N00Z: checks ChitwnHitman: checks stosh101: checks streetlaw: checks RigoletoBr: checks AKProdigy: checks CHIcLEADER: checks *** TURN *** [Js Kh 5d] [9h]mi23092: checks N00Z: checks ChitwnHitman: checks stosh101: bets 200streetlaw: calls 200RigoletoBr: folds AKProdigy: raises 415 to 615 and is all-inCHIcLEADER: calls 615mi23092: folds N00Z: folds ChitwnHitman: folds stosh101: folds streetlaw: calls 415*** RIVER *** [Js Kh 5d 9h] [2h]streetlaw: checks CHIcLEADER: bets 750streetlaw: calls 750*** SHOW DOWN ***CHIcLEADER: shows [Tc Qh] (a straight, Nine to King)streetlaw: shows [5h Th] (a flush, King high)streetlaw collected 1500 from side potAKProdigy: mucks hand streetlaw collected 2445 from main potInterSimi is connected *** SUMMARY ***Total pot 3945 Main pot 2445. Side pot 1500. | Rake 0 Board [Js Kh 5d 9h 2h]Seat 1: RigoletoBr folded on the TurnSeat 2: vanZijtveld folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: AKProdigy mucked [9c 9d]Seat 4: CHIcLEADER (button) showed [Tc Qh] and lost with a straight, Nine to KingSeat 5: mi23092 (small blind) folded on the TurnSeat 6: N00Z (big blind) folded on the TurnSeat 7: ChitwnHitman folded on the TurnSeat 8: stosh101 folded on the TurnSeat 9: streetlaw showed [5h Th] and won (3945) with a flush, King highAA < AK AIPF and then this (should I have pushed PF? I figured too many limpers, I could easily play this for set value even if im fairly short). AND IM OUT. I hate this tourney.

  17. @#%(T@#$(^@PokerStars Game #11576244092: Tournament #57898632, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2007/08/19 - 15:43:09 (ET)Table '57898632 1687' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: RigoletoBr (2260 in chips) Seat 2: vanZijtveld (3210 in chips) Seat 3: AKProdigy (3000 in chips) Seat 4: CHIcLEADER (2990 in chips) Seat 5: mi23092 (2850 in chips) Seat 6: N00Z (3270 in chips) Seat 7: ChitwnHitman (4200 in chips) Seat 8: stosh101 (2190 in chips) Seat 9: streetlaw (3030 in chips) CHIcLEADER: posts small blind 15mi23092: posts big blind 30*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to AKProdigy [As Ah]N00Z: folds ChitwnHitman: folds stosh101: raises 30 to 60streetlaw: calls 60RigoletoBr: folds vanZijtveld: folds AKProdigy: raises 150 to 210CHIcLEADER: folds mi23092: folds stosh101: raises 1980 to 2190 and is all-instreetlaw: folds AKProdigy: calls 1980*** FLOP *** [3h 9d 2h]*** TURN *** [3h 9d 2h] [Jd]*** RIVER *** [3h 9d 2h Jd] [7d]*** SHOW DOWN ***stosh101: shows [Kd Ad] (a flush, Ace high)AKProdigy: shows [As Ah] (a pair of Aces)stosh101 collected 4485 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4485 | Rake 0 Board [3h 9d 2h Jd 7d]Seat 1: RigoletoBr folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: vanZijtveld folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: AKProdigy (button) showed [As Ah] and lost with a pair of AcesSeat 4: CHIcLEADER (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 5: mi23092 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: N00Z folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 7: ChitwnHitman folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: stosh101 showed [Kd Ad] and won (4485) with a flush, Ace highSeat 9: streetlaw folded before Flop

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