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Everything posted by bz404

  1. Well, brvheart, smoking can be a very difficult habit to break. Aficionados as you know, is really just a test of one's faith. After we are all tempted by our external inputs, we respond with observable actions. You asked the question, and you are the answer.
  2. also, evolution clearly states that not all primates are equal. its interesting to me that just bc we are on top right now,does not prove that we will be when the earth stop producing electricity or light.
  3. prob the same reason you cant explain christ you sukca'
  4. "I kinda think feeling the waves of the ocean is important. there is a realness in the energy of the infinite lap of the waves. it is something that can expireneced by all creatures. our senses can intimate that. and though our senses lie, they do not sleep. please be aware of yourself. and please be aware of the difference between yourself and your body. senses lie.
  5. i saw law school mentioned above. but that now seems like bullshit. idk, whatever. light trespass, just another scoff law. -- i pick the nasty alive chick. i just couldnt **** a dead person.
  6. so i have a garden, very nice. tons of food. however, i believe the light from the nearby car dealership is affecting the growth of my light sensitive plants. can i sue their fat cat asses and have any chance of winning?
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