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About Vypros

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie
  1. Yep. We did NASA's site as well. I don't see how you can allow yourself to say that our work is god awful? Where are some links to work that you've done? Have you been responsible for multi million dollar contracts with some of the worlds biggest corporations?soo your 28, yet u went to university.. and worked as a lube guy?.. and u claim to have done industrial design work, in the automotive field. the hardest deisgn field to get into. www.cardesignnews.comand u were also in the military?.. at 28, ur either Batman.. or a liarI was in the military for 8 weeks in bootcamp when I was 16. My pare
  2. Yep. We did NASA's site as well. I don't see how you can allow yourself to say that our work is god awful? Where are some links to work that you've done? Have you been responsible for multi million dollar contracts with some of the worlds biggest corporations?
  3. I'm actually pretty laid back and mellow face to face. It's only the internet that I portray an egotistical bastard who is cocky and knows everything and is better than everyone else. Actually, I just get frustrated and annoyed by people who don't know what they're doing.
  4. YOUR A JOPKE.. I would continue to poor gas on this fire, but i have waay more design eductaion and background then u do.160 patents and counting.. i'm not goin to sit here and explain myself to you. I have two wordsWheres yours??My background? BSc in business administration, web development, media and arts, marketing and advertising, and i'm currently studying for my bsc in video production, so that i can start focusing on television. (however television has nothign to do with graphic design and its been pretty good courses so far)No idiot. I meant wheres your designs??? or did u not submit
  5. How much beer and pussy would I have to hook you up with to get free cable?
  6. offtopic.com is full of idiots.
  7. It's a message board, if grading grammar is imporant to you (note, it's GRAMMAR, not GrammEr), then you can go ahead, by all means, become the grammar nazi police.
  8. If you knew all this why did you get a rejection email? Hrmm, could it be that you can't make a logo worth the internet bandwith it was sent on? :roll:
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