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About wg

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Location
    Nashville, TN
  1. I grew up in Indianapolis and went to IU. Muncie is north of Indy, and is where Ball State University is (David Letterman, Bonzi Wells, etc)Per this Indianapolis Star newspaper article, it looks like the friggin mayor of Muncie, Johnny Carson's old sidekick Ed McMahon, and private backers have opened a poker club. The DA has given the nod, saying it is a game of skill, not chance. While this may not catch on everywhere, this is pretty interesting. If nothing else, it shows exactly how mainstream poker is getting. I would be awfully excited to be able to catch a good local game rather than mes
  2. well, yes, that is a pretty good reason.funny guy whose blog i have read vs. "guy on internet who claims he went to yale."gee, i guess i will go with funny guy whoe blog i have read.
  3. Now this would be your typical Liberal. ALways making it personal. ANyways thanks folks for your thoughts. Maybe I was just censored at the situation. But still 10- 1 Chip Lead and fold?? Thats Bullshi.t in my book. Thanks for your thoughts even you Pot Dragon, I know it can get lonely in your mother's basement at night and I hold no hard feelings towards you.What you fail to realize is that you are wrong. That is the problem and why people keep posting. I repeat the same points:Three people left, two move on. You play how you got there, or even a little tighter. Your goal is no longer
  4. excellent. i have been pulling for him.
  5. i am almost only on pstars right now because pp seems to be running slow. i had the same loading issues, which i found odd because i just upgraded my party poker software.
  6. i did that yesterday or the day before to some chump. probably not you, as the situation was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different from your description. i have been lurking for a long time, but this post delighted me so much that i registered and posted.$5 + .50 sit n go on pokerstars? what was the screen name of the fool that took you out?
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