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Posts posted by Tritz

  1. last time i checked most people are struggling to find extra cash whether or not they have jobs. i don't know if any of you heard but most economies are tanking. true story.
    You're right, so let's do the responsible thing and throw every last sent into pokerstars. :club:
  2. Hey everyone,This is a question for the guys who have multiple monitor set ups on their PC.I have two graphics cards installed (VGA & DVI on each). I have each monitor plugged into each VGA because I do not have a DVI adapter. One works great, but I cannot get the extended screen beyond 640x480 and 4 bit color. I tried re installing the drivers and it didn't work. Anyone have any hints?If I use a VGA splitter on the working graphics card will it give me an extended screen or will it clone the screen. Or should I just buy a a VGA to DVI converter and plug it in to the same card.Thanks.(PS I am already aware that I know the replies to this thread so please keep the shenanigans to a minimum)

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