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Posts posted by crowTrobot

  1. Regarding the 'God can do anything' discussion - the reason it sometimes strikes me as odd is because Christians often do anthropomorphize God in very specific ways
    yup. atheists tend to parse christian claims about god in human terms because christians specifically hypothesize a human-like god.
  2. Oh yeah, we agree on that point, I was jumping off from that to make the point that religion is an unfalsifiable theory.
    not disagreeing with you but i wouldn't use the word religion. the bare hypothesis of an undetectable god would be unfalsifiable, but human religionsare falsifiable for other reasons.
  3. Jacob/Aaron
    in this reality aaron is still <3 years old and was last seen being left with his grandmother. i would think even the crazy producers would consider it too much of a plot contrivance at this point to have an older version of aaron show up on the island.more likely jacob's "ghost" appearing as a young version of himself with bloody arms to induce a guilt trip in MiB, or possibly a third supernatural entity supervising the conflict between jacob/MiB - island incarnate or something.
  4. as a promotional event they showed the first hour of season 6 outside on a movie screen in hawaii last friday. a crummy videoof the event including the full first episode is (at least at the moment) online at -http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/4339891the actual episode (6.01) starts at about the 1:35 mark. i wasn't gonna watch it all because the audio is so poor,but it sucked me in. great start.

    including awesome scene where bram and his boys go into the statue foot to confront fake locke and get killed by smokie

  5. So some theories can still be accepted even though they are not testable?
    accepted as reasonably possible, not as true. string "theory" is a good example. many scientists consider it untestable, but not unreasonable because it has explanatory power.
    Like evolution?
    no not like evolution : )
  6. I apologize for trying to simplify the argument. When I say "looks old" I mean all the evidence points to it being old.
    i was just trying to demonstrate that the notion is unreasonable (as well as untestable).
  7. The whole argument that something cannot be true unless it can be proven false
    nobody said that. what is being said is something cannot be a scientific theory unless it is testable.we tend to accept (as possible) or reject untestable assertions based on whether we think they fit known patterns of explanation or not.
  8. How would you prove that Benjamin Button was actually old and not that he just looked old?
    both your Adam and BBT analogies sell the evidence short. the earth doesn't just "look" old. it (and the surrounding universe) contain mountains of intricate evidence of a continuous history of countless specific interconnected geologic/cosmic events spanning billions of years, and nothing at all that would give the slightest indication that the earth/universe are young. to say god could have faked all that is no less unscientific and silly than postulating undectable pulling elves instead of gravity.
  9. it does predict exactly the same evidence -- which is the only reason the stupid "theory" even exists.
    by itself it doesn't confirm, explain, (JJJ's words) or specifically predict the evidence that exists in any sense that can be related to science. it doesn't even qualify as a theory - it's just a bare vague assertion crafted to be unfalsifiable. by virtue of being unreasonable it's not even that really. it's nothing. it's saying there's no such thing as gravity - just undetectable elves pulling down on everything. it IS ignoring science.
    you're proposing an additional constraint
    no i'm stating that specifying a motive is necessary for the idea to even qualify as a possible explanation.
  10. I think what JJJ is getting at, and why the black paint analogy doesn't seem great, is that the 'god created an old earth recently' conjecture is not actually inconsistent with the evidence -- it predicts exactly the same evidence as an actual old earth.
    i was just countering JJJ's analogy because it seemed to imply that the evidence is open to interpretation. but what you say above is what i'm disputing. the hypothesis of god creating a young earth absolutely does not predict the same evidence. the evidence would have had to be willfully planted by god for motives unrelated to creation.
  11. Of course if God made the earth brand new, then by your own definition He is FORCING you to believe in Him.
    obviously this thread and my comments are meant to address belief in literal young-earth creationism, not belief in god.
    I mean if God made the earth some way, and they say since it wasn't made the way they know it should be made then God must be trying to trick them, that leaves them open to the equal and opposite conclusion that God wanted them to have the freedom to choose whether to receive Him or reject Him.
    this is only about freedom to accept or reject a certain ambiguous human-derived interpretation of genesis 1, not god or christianity.
  12. I don't know what you're saying here; you're going to have to dumb it down a bit for me.
    evidence of aging is not necessary for the earth to function or support life. god would have had to go out of his way to craft that evidence.
    I don't really get the "God is tricking people" argument.Well, that's not entirely true. Not true in the sense that I actually do get it.But if your friend painted a picture and said, "Here is my painting of a sunrise through the smog; it might look like a blurry sunset, but really it's a sunrise," would you say he is trying to trick you or that he's trying to enlighten you about any potential confusion?
    it's more like if your friend painted a black picture and told you it's really white. believing it's white is going to require a certain amount of ignoring evidence.
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