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Posts posted by srblan

  1. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
    [beer] for the billy madison quote.
  2. This one's been beaten to death. Do a search of the forum. However, to correct your misconception, MOST low-limit NL games have a maximum buyin. In Vegas, there are three places that I know of, though, which don't have a maximum buyin on their smaller blind no-limit games. The Horseshoe, the Golden Nugget, and the Wynn each have no-limit games without a maximum buyin. The horseshoe and nugget have 1-2 blind games and the Wynn has a few games with smallish blinds that don't have a max buyin.

  3. I've had multiple month downswings before. One thing that you might do is think back at some of the tough beats that you took and try to figure out if you should or could have done anything different which might have changed the outcome of the hand. For instance, if you play 52 offsuit, flop two pair, and get outdrawn when the board pairs higher than your two pair, you might think that you just got unlucky. Well, you did get unlucky, but think about it, should you have really been in the hand? If it was your big blind and the pot was unraised, then fine, you were forced into the hand and took a bad beat. Any other time, you played a hand you shouldn't have, hit a lucky flop and then got outdrawn by someone who probably thought that their hand was good.The key is to think about how you played, whether you won or lost that day. If you lost, think about if you got unlucky or if you made bad plays. If you won, think about if there were times that you made a bad read and got saved by a lucky river card. Honest self-assessment should let you know if your wins are flukes or if you are playing good poker.

  4. He and undisclosed investors (Andy Beal???) made an offer to buy the WPT franchise for over 2X book value. Stock went up 50% due to that and they dumped their holdings prior to the expiration of the bid to buy. I know you guys are good at poker--therefore, I expected you would understand stock market fundamentals---obviously not.Fullhouse7
    I'm almost 100% sure that it wasn't Andy Beal. Reading the book about the big game, I get the distinct impression that Beal is very independent and does not really like to take over companies that are in the black. Doyle may have gotten a loan from Beal bank, but I don't believe that he'd want to go into business with Andy Beal. I'd be more likely to believe that Doyle found a number of people to invest, at least one of whom had access to serious coin. Someone like Jack Binion, Bobby Baldwin, or Bob Stupak comes to mind, though I'm purely speculating, and I obviously don't know of everyone that Doyle knows that has the resources to try to pull of something of this magnitude.
  5. being a jerk????? unreal...this is money , not a popularity contest...this guy tilted dn ,pretty big compliment ..."he should respect dn"....why??????in this guys mind dn is just another internet donk coming for his roll...im a dn fan just like most of this forum, but let's not blindly kiss ass guys...this guys doesnt HAVE to respect dn ..asking him to do so is insane...
    I agree with you that he should not have to automatically respect DN, however, I don't agree with you that because this is money it shouldn't matter that the winner is being a jerk. One of the best skills for a player to learn once they learn how to win is to keep the fish happy and coming back. When I'm winning, in live play, mostly, I will be joking around and trying to see that everyone is having a good time so that they don't look down and notice that they are stuck. If you are a jerk, you might get them a little on tilt that day, but do it often enough, and they'll stop giving you action because nobody wants to lose to a jerk or to feel like they are playing at a table being dominated by a jerk.When I pick a game, I do it based on a number of factors, one of the most important of which is "are people laughing at the table." If they are, it means that they might not be taking things as seriously as I will. That is a very good thing for the bankroll. If you start being a jerk when you are winning, you'll very likely change the atmosphere of the game, and you could get people focusing on playing well, which is the last thing that you want to do.
  6. I don't know that the 4k/8k game is ever full table, but I digress. And yes, I think that sucess in high limit, short handed LHE against the best players in the world is somewhat relevant. I don't think Daniel would beat the hell out of Dream Clown. I do think that after Daniel got the feel for playing online and against Dream Clown, he would show a profit. Thus, 10k-50k hands.Read critically Scotty, I know you're not dumb. You're intelligent enough to know that these things have relevance.
    Full table for 4k/8k is (I think) 6 handed, since games like triple-draw can be dealt to a maximum of 6 players due to the number of cards needed. Most pros will agree, though, that it takes a very different set of skills to beat a short-handed game as a heads-up game in LHE, so it is not quite as relevant as you think.
  7. I think I might check this flop to see what he does, depending on my read of the guy behind. Since you are out of position, and he called preflop, you really have no clue where you stand, and you really don't gain any information by getting minraised. It might be too passive, but it might also give the illusion that you have a big hand in case you decide to play back at him, or it might get you a free card. As far as your fold, it's a fine play. You are not overcommitted to the hand, and you've got no reason to cripple yourself at this point. In a cash game, I might not let the hand go that easily, but in a tournament, it's not a bad play.

  8. You definitely learn a lot from playing against players just a little bit better than you. If they are a lot better than you, the moves will often be over your head. If they are worse, you can get sloppy sometimes. In order to better your skill, you might want to take shots at a higher limit. If you can avoid rebuying if you get broke(this will most likely happen, all ego aside), it will be a good learning experience. I have played with some top players, and I've even had a pro (not a "name" pro, but he's been on TV a couple times) let me look over his shoulder as he played. One thing that you learn is that as aggressive as you think you are, they are more aggressive. You feel like your stack is in constant jeopardy if you make a mistake. Once you can get comfortable putting that feeling in the background, you will start picking up on things that you didn't notice before because you were worried about the relentless aggression.To echo what others have said, you can learn the mechanics of the game playing with novices, but you won't get much of a chance to learn fancier plays necessary to excel at the higher limits. For instance, I had pocket queens on the button in a game that's just a bit above my comfort zone. I had a tight image, and my raise got one caller (a guy who had limped ahead of me). The flop came K Q K. That is pretty much the perfect flop for me, so I checked behind when the limper checked. In my mind, the check could have been out of fear as much as out of strength. I made a little milk bet on the turn, and the guy folded.I said, "I had a monster," and the pro I mentioned earlier said "I know, you shouldn't have checked, it made your hand stronger." In a lower limit game, you check to give the other players a chance to catch up, since they aren't paying attention to your hand, they'd rather play their own hand. However, at a higher limit, a continuation bet is expected, and you can expect to get played back at if they are going to give you any action. He said, "Even if you flopped quads, you should put a bet out." Hope that I didn't write too much to get this read. Anyway, good luck.

  9. Like I said in a previous thread, since we played twice now, for a total of about 20 minutes, there is just NO WAY that luck had anything to do with it.  Clearly I had to be outclassed and with a sample size like 20 FULL minutes I mean, seriously, how much proof do you need!  Tinfoil was WAY BETTER than me.  Against him, he played so perfectly it's scary!  We played a total of TWO hands and he won them both handily.  How can you argue with results like that?     There is ZERO luck in limit hold'em.  Over a ten minute span, the best player will ALWAYS come out ahead.  How some of you people don't understand this ovious truth is beyond me!(SW)
    The best hand always wins, too. And chasing away customers shall heretofore be referred to as Dreamclowning.
  10. O.K. So let me get this right? Phil Helmuth, Youngest Player to win the WSOP MAin Event. Winner of more then 10 Wsop tourneys and winner of the HEAD TO HEAD CHAMPIONSHIP is the worst player at the table? ANHHHHHHHHHH WRONG!! HE totally Dominated the head to head matches. Yes he is a sore looser but that guy can read other players hands better then Doyle any day. MAybe snd Only DAniel is a better reader of other players hands.
    Were you watching the same heads up match as the rest of us? I saw him suck out several times from terrible spots... And, about those 10+ WSOP events, he should talk to someone about collecting the rest of the bracelets.
  11. everyone will have to outdraw once in a while to win a poker tournament and it just so happens that Doyle seems to do it on Tv a lot. Does that mean hes not as good as Hellmuth? Gimme a break.
    Exactly. He usually did it pushing the hands though, not calling, which is very indicative of his style.
  12. Thx... I'm not really crying or anything though, it's only a $15 tourney on Pokerstars hehee, that guy is right, no sleep to lose... just thought it was an interesting hand and wanted to share... I've heard a lot of this stuff about Pokerstars being rigged and so on... anyone have any suggestions to a site with a better reputation? The good thing about Pokerstars is there is always a game to find for whatever you feel like playing...
    The griping you hear about it being rigged is just griping. Play where you are comfortable, don't listen to the reputation of any site if people claim the game is rigged, that's just silly. If you hear about trouble cashing out, take it much more seriously. This is where a site's rep is much more important.
  13. uhhhe put all his money on a STRAIGHT FLUSH draw..he was favored on the flop against your two pair. your only hope was by pushing hard on the flop he would have been dumb enough to lay it down, which i dont think he was going to anyways.
    The guy with the draw was the one that pushed in the first place. Both made the right play and it turned out poorly. No reason to lose sleep.
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