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Posts posted by Alpha1494

  1. In. I'll be driving down the interstate at about 80mph during the tournament, so I won't be chatting. Also, I have no idea how good my connection will be, so I plan to be aggressive when I am connected. I apologize in advance for the bad beats.Also, If GWC is at my starting table again tonight, expect to hear about some incidents of road rage in Louisiana. :club:
    This almost made me crap my pants. BTW, please don't wreck your car when I lay down a bad beat. I don't want that hovering over my soul for the next couple of days......
  2. I didn't take the time to read thru all 5 pages, so if I'm suggesting something that has already been thrown out there I apologize in advance if that's the case. I also expect appropriate flamage.Does anybody think that we should change the stud levels in HORSE to 250/500 or 300/600 instead of the 270/540 level. I think the current level is fine, its just goofy. 250/500 seems reasonable to add a little more play. It seems like almost everyone busts during these levels.Alpha

  3. First out. I've never been first out in a tournament. Note to self: don't play when your sick and tired. When your sick and tired, you can't fold over pairs on a 9 high board when its clear someone has flopped a set. I'll see everyone next week, hopefully healthy and ready to play.Alpha

  4. Thanks for some of the input. I thought for a while then pushed, and he insta-mucked. I think the best play there is to flat call. The way he was playing, he likely would have moved in on the turn no matter what with complete air. It was still a big pot and it gave me the chip lead for good. Last hand:Blinds 1K/2K with 200 antes.Hero in BB with KcQc (170K)Villain in SB (100K)Villain raises to 6K, Hero reraises to 20K, villain callsFlop: KsQd3hHero checks, Villain checksTurn: JdHero bets 35K, Villains pushes for 80K, Hero callsVillains shows QhJsRiver: can't remember, who cares, wasn't a jack.It was sweet. Payout for first was $540, so it was a nice score for only $10 and a couple of hours a work.Alpha

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