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Everything posted by PocketAceLoser

  1. Thanks. It is amazing how many theories there are regarding this specific hand. I could've sat at that table for an hour and still have made the wrong choice (but maybe the theoritcal Right decision). It did take me a little longer than normal to decide to call the all-in. :think: So I lost the hand. I figured I had a slightly less than 50% shot to win it. Since I had the guy covered, I decided to gamble - which you must do in a tournament at some point anyway. I sure was hoping for him to have AQ or something like that, but I knew he had a upper-mid pocket pair.CoranMoran brought up a
  2. Yes, I figured the SB to have a pocket pair, and I thought it might have been time for a coin flip, so I called anyway. He turned over pocket 10's. The board showed nothing above a 6 with only 2 hearts, so yes I did lose the hand, and was never able to fully recover.Up to that point, I felt like I played solid poker. I was slowly accumulating chips, but with the blinds growing every 20-30 minutes, I thought it might have been time to make a move. Isn't the end result the same in your scenario? If I limp in and he goes all-in, you say to call. I wanted to show strength and that is why
  3. I'm curious as to how the folks here would play this hand I was just just playing in a tournament in AC over the weekend. Here is a little background.Blinds - 400-800 (EDIT - Sorry, I meant to say blinds were 400-800 for a total of 1200 of blinds in the pot) :? 10 handed tableOverall table = fairly tight with 2 aggresive playersMy play has also been mostly Tight/AggresiveI have an average size stackI am in MPI am Dealt :heartsa: :heartsk: Everyone folds up to me. I make it 2000 to go, which is about 1/4 of my stack.Everyone else folds up to the SB who goes all in; which makes it an addit
  4. I have Comcast cable, and I don't even get the Travel Channel in my area. I moved to new area recently and got really pissed off when I found out it wasn't offered. :x I used to have Cablevision which did offer Travel Channel. I watched WPT for 2 yrs and am really hooked!So far I have placed 2 calls with comcast to let them know I Really want my Travel Channel. Is anybody else in the same boat?
  5. Dan,I have to say thanks for opening up the forum. I found your website about 3-4 weeks ago and have enjoyed reading your Journal. I almost feel like I know someone who actually plays in true professional poker tournaments.By adding this forum, everybody who follows you, and poker in general, can now share ideas/thoughts in a common place. It will make the website more of a hangout to interact in, as opposed to just a place to hear what you have been doing every couple of days.Thanks again. BTW - any idea when you may be in Atlantic City?
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