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Posts posted by missIdaho

  1. I know you like the mystery, but I'll chuck some dice with you if you're in town Dec 10-14th.I'm leaving early on the 15th. I gotta look into getting that changed. And start looking up some tourneys with buyins $200 and under with decent structures during the week. Peter?Also, I have tickets to see Love. And I call you guys gay. hehwe're just glad you don't do any catchup reading.
    No, I did do the catch up but decided I was just gonna ignore what was posted because once again you guys are wrong. I can’t tell you how many times you have all ganged up on me insisting that I am an idiot or doing something wrong and then when it’s all said and done I come back tell you what happened and that I was correct and no one even acknowledges my post. It’s reached a point of being comical, because I don’t think you guys understand that when I post these stories it’s not because I need your advice, it’s because I think they are funny. Most everything I say is tongue in cheek and laced with a certain degree of sarcasm. I post these stories of my mixed up dating life for your entertainment. I figure you’ll all have a laugh at my expense as we all do whenever anyone else posts about stuff like this and then tease me about it. I do it intentionally. So its always just amazing me when you guys start insulting me and telling me how screwed up I am. Obviously since you can’t find the (Sienfeldish like) humor in my dating adventures I’ll just stop posting about them.And as to the current dating dilemma, you have once again all missed the mark. I didn’t lead this guy on. I genuinely gave him a chance and really wanted it to work out. I want to be able to find a guy that doesn’t live in another state and who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him. I would have loved for it to be him. I gave him a chance and discovered that ultimately it just wasn’t gonna work out. And being the kind person that I am I chose to not dump him in the middle of a competition that meant a lot to him and break it to him in a gentle way this week. But instead of that happening he flipped out over something trivial and showed how needy and clingy he really is making this break up a lot easier on me. Sometimes things just don’t work out and it’s not anyone’s fault.I am not chastising you guys for misreading the situation, I’m just pointing out that in reality of course you guys aren’t gonna fully understand the situation since you don’t really know me and you aren’t experiencing it with me. I really don’t know any of you personally. We’ve never even spoken over the phone. If you actually knew me you’d probably understand me more. I think my dry sense of humor translates a lot better in person. In conclusion guys, I make these posts as an attempt at entertaining you, but since all they do is generate a bunch of hey lets gang up on Cindy posts, I’ll stop. Since my intention is give you all a laugh and it obv is not working I’ll find something else to post about. Perhaps I’ll pick up where Zimm left off with the lunch updates. I can use my camera phone and posts pictures even …. :club: P.S. Seriously how could the herpes post not have made you all chuckle a little?
  2. New sig for someone...
    I need to write a macro that quotes you and replies, "[shakes head]" immediately after you post in any thread.
    come on you know you laughed when you read thatyou love my crazy little posts and stories
  3. well ......... i don't have herpes. that's a good thing.For the last two weeks I have had this strange bump in my mouth right below my lip. I thought it was a type of cold sore and I have been thinking I got it from Guy #2. I've not been happy about it expecially since it won't seem to go away. This morning one of the attorneys I work with that had the same cold I did for the past few weeks said he had the same problem. His doctor said it was some sort of infection brought on by the cold and he gave him an anti biotic to get rid of it. If it doesn't go away by the end of the week I'll go see my doctor, but at least it isn't herpes simplex 1. That would be icky.

  4. So what's really the point of all these games? Why weren't you just honest with him last week?
    i was being nice about it. he was in the middle of a big drag racing competition and i thought it would be shitty timing to break up with him in the middle of it
    Do you really care about who looks like the bad guy when this ends? I mean, who's watching?
    him acting psycho makes me feel better about my decision
  5. Do you feel bad about this?
    yes, i really wanted that latte
    Let me get this straight, you're trying to ditch the guy, but him giving you the silent treatment somehow poses a problem for you?
    no at allhe's making it easy for me. not only do i have an excuse for dumping him but he will look like the bad guy for flipping out over something so small.
  6. let the games begin ......Guy #2 is now giving me the silent treatment because i didn't answer my phone when i was having dinner with my daughter and her dad last night. The slight was unintentional but I think this is the perfect way to get out. i was gonna be nice and sit down with him this week and explain that i wasn't ready for a commitment right now, but now i am just gonna let him dig his own grave. this could get really entertaining. last week i felt bad about ending things. now thanks to him acting like a **** i don't feel bad at all.

  7. Have you seen those McDonald's that have two drive thru windows? You order at the menu/intercom, pay at the first window, pick up your food at the second window. It's like an assembly line of fast food.One time I drove up to the first window, paid for my food, and was talking up the cashier girl with my usual assortment of witticisms. She handed me a bag of ketchup and napkins and her laughter warmed my heart.Blinded by love, I set the bag down believing it to be my food and drove off. As I reached into the bag for a fry, I realized to my dismay that no food stuffs were in the bag. My inner demons would not allow me to go back through the drive thru and admit my mistake.I never saw the girl again. I go inside to get my food now.
    lmao you kill me
  8. I just walked down to Starbucks, ordered a carmel latte, paid for a carmel latte and then turned around and left Starbucks, walked back to my office and realized I didn't wait at the counter and actually get my carmel latte or my change. I'm an idiot.

  9. summary:i am actually james patterson, the millionaire author. i had planned on running a $100K freeroll for Sick Thread participants, but decided against it since I hate kdawg so much.frankly, it seemed pretty cruel, but he had his reasons I guess.
    rugged baby
  10. We ain't partners, we ain't buddies, we ain't friends. got it convict?well, probably because everyone knows that:A. if we told her Jesus Christ himself resurrected, got an FCP acct and posted in this thread, she still wouldn't do the catch upB. We really don't want her to catch up since we goof on her while she's not around.Sadly, I've read nearly every post (with the exception of the super long boring ones) since page 150 or so. (40 posts per page) I'm gay
    lol ... i missed this gem the first time around.
  11. If they win out, and they should, I think they'll get a BCS game. I heard over the weekend if they finish in the top 12 of the BCS they are guaranteed a game.
    That would be awesome. It's our first year with a new head coach and we weren't sure how they would do. It's been a great season thus far.
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