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Everything posted by Boblywood

  1. Thanks for the response. I'm not trying to figure out the poker strategy or anything like that. I'm just trying to resolve a dispute I have with my friend. It's silly but he's a bit of an egomaniac and so when he's wrong he needs to know it.I like your answer. It makes sense.
  2. Very funny... yes it may be a silly question but I'd appreciate responses. Thanks.
  3. "Don't draw against a made hand"I've heard this expression used. It was used in the movie Rounders when Mike folds his top two pairs cause he knows Teddy has 2 4 for the straight. I have a disagreement on what a "made hand" in this expression means with a friend of mine.Now we all know what a made hand is - any hand that does not need to improve to win. But within the context of this expression can it really mean just that? In that case it would mean you should never draw since you will almost always be drawing to a "made hand" in this sense.My friend says a "made hand" in this expression mean
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