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Posts posted by quadaces

  1. The general rule of thumb is to play from where you feel comfortable. You take however long you hit a five iron and then multiply by 36 and that should be your "comfortable" playing yardage. Hence I hit my 5 iron 190, 190 x 36 = 6840 yards. However, I am generally comfortable playing about 6500 yards ... hate those long par 3's!Having said that ... I have never played from the ladies tees and I probably never will. But good for DN to be comfortable enough with his manhood to rock out from those tees!
  2. Person B says "I'd bet on (whatever)"Person A says "I'll give you 3-1"Person B says "my 10 to your 30, book it"Item bet on occurs, and afterwards A says "I don't owe you, I never confirmed"Should A have to pay B, although no amount was agreed upon, based on the fact that they regularly bet larger amounts on similar things and everyone aware of the bet knows that had he gotten in before the bet came through, he'd have agreed to it?
    Stop being a cheapskate and pay your "friend"
  3. I know that mine is Limit but playing $3-6 and $4-8 Kill games I am at 47.5 hrs and 9.5 BBs per hour for a +$1,226Anyone know if this is sustainable, I know for me personally it won't be because I can no longer play at the casino I played at the most and the other one I play at there isn't near the amount of money available to win.

  4. Being 23 I would say without a doubt do it. Do it now for a couple of reasons. First off you don't want to be like a lot of people in this forum who have a family and dream that they could do something like this. Do it while you have the opportunity. Do it while you don't have responsibilities. You are still young enough that if you don't succeed then you can do something else, like the family business.

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