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Posts posted by strappazon
Best post in this thread. You're right, it is very frustrating when you spend two hours at a table a lose most of your stacks because of a donkey. When i'm trying to build my bankroll and that i lost like $20 in 3 days becasue of those micro stakes donkeys, it drives me insane.I will try to follow your advices.OP, I play $0.50/$1, and let me tell you something, I WISH those moron micro stakes players would come to my table and play with me all week because I know even though they might beat me in a few big pots now, over time I will destroy them and take all their money. Thats what you're not getting, you're getting frustrated just because some moron got lucky and took some of your money. So what? The guys a moron he is going to dump all his chips to you all you gotta do is wait for the right spot.Take it like a man and move onto the next hand, if you play the right strategy you will destroy these fish over time. You just gotta be patient and your rewards will come, and take it from me it can be done, because not to long ago I was playing the same stakes as you. -
I agree with you. But the problem is that when someone beats you with an invisble and trash hand you lose a lot of chips. Yesterday in a tourney i had JAs and raised in late position. A player with a lot of chips called. Flop came J72 rainbow, i wanted to trap my opponent, i called on the flop and the turn and 3bet him on the river.....dude had 72s....seriously wtf? I didn't lost all my chips but probably 1/3 of my stacks. There's nothing you can't do when people don't give a shit and enter the pot with any two cards. That's just what i'm trying to say. For me i didn't play this hand like a total idiot, of course i could have played it better but there was know way for me to know he had 72. At best i'd have thought he hadA7 or was on a flush draw.Here lies your problem. You ABSOLUTELY want to be playing players that are retarded. If they suck out on you, reload and get it back. Seriously, you sound completely moronic here because you would rather play ABC nits than loose retards. Loose retards pay. Learn to adjust plz and don't get tilted if you are losing to these guys. Variance can be a bitch sometimes, but seriously give your head a shake. -
Who do you need exactly?You really didn't post any relevant stats, just amount won and lost, and number of hands. Can't tell you anything from that. -
Ok thanks. i'll also add that by raisinfdonly 2.5BB pre flop you give your opponents to see the flop for cheap. Yesterday i've been kicked out of a tourney by a guy who had a pair of sixed Vs my queens. He flopped a set, i didn't realize it (flop was 688, tur was blank) and i went all in like an idiot.
I've just finished to read Daniel's Power hold'em strategy and i think i'll have to reread it many times if i want to understand most of the things he explains. But i already have few questions :One of the most important principles of small ball, if i'm not wrong, is to "mini raise" pre flop in order to see as much flops as possible and to keep the pot small. So daniel says to raise 2.5BB. When playing $1.2 tournment i'd say it is borderline impossible because, if you're lucky players after you will just call, but most of the time someone will raise you a lot, so you'll probably have to fold an hand like 67s or something. if the big blind is at $30, i'll make it $75 but someone will raise up to 400 or more.When i try to do in fact i'm losing money chips very quickly because i'll have to fold all hands who aren't premium hands if someone raises me. I only feel confident to make a 3-4 BB raise when i have a very good hand.So my first question is : is small ball inefficient at micro stakes? Should it only be used at higher stakes against good players?Daniel also says it is good to play suited connectors and i understand why : you could make a straight or a flush or even semi bluff with a draw . But if you're in a pot with 78h and there's two hearts on the board with only one cards to come, i think it'd be very dangerous to bluff your opponent because if the last cards is also a heart maybe someone with a better flush than yours will call or raise you. if is is not a heart, at those stakes at least 70% of the players will call or raise you because they have a pair of jacks, queens or kings and there's no scary cards on the board.The few times i've tried to semi bluff this way in mtt, someone called me with a pair even if there was an obvious straight or flush draw.Once again, in mtt, if i try to follow a small ball strategy should i just fold ii i don't make my straight on the turn ?Other question : in his book, there's a lot of examples where an opponent raises 3 or even 4 BB pre flop and Daniel calls with suited connectors, even when he's out of position, most of the time at the SB or BB. Why is that ? Does he just hopes to hit his straight or an open-ended straight draw? Will he just fold if he doesn't hits anything? I understand that Daniel can reads players hands very easily, so maybe it is the reasons why but what are you suposed to do if you don't have a read on your opponent?Last question: t is only an tournament strategy or can we apply it to cash games ? I mean raising only 2 or 2.5 BB pre flop and trying to see a lot of flops?Thanks.
3) If you just HAVE....to bluff.....make it a man's bluff and put him all in...instead of making the little wuss 3bet on the flop.
I don't think you should take your descision to call or not because of the pot odds. Of course it is important too. But your first problems should be to put your opponents on a range of hands, then trying to know why he makes this move.Whould you call on the river just because you have some good pot odds with no hand if there's a good chance that your opponent actually have the best hand? i hope no...I meant several times over the years in home games and such. It just happened in 25NL online is why I asked. I know it was totally wrong and I really need to stop trying to steal pots all the time. But if I ever do slip again when are you so committed you have to call? -
I understand what you guy are saying. I had no problem to beat the game at $0.02 : i won $130 in like 30 days playing at those stake before variance (and some bad calls) hit me.Like you problably know in some sports, or in some others strategy games, an expert would rather play agaisnt some good opponents than against a rookie, because a newbie will do any kind of crazy moves that don't make sense, when a good player will follow a strategy with a logic.My opinion is that a micro stakes a lot of people aren't here to make money, they just want to have fun. Nobody is afraid to lose 40 cents, so when you raise a strong hand, there's always a dude who is going to call with 58o and will make two pairs when you're 90% sure to have the best hand with a pair of kings or something.I don't say that it will not happen at higher stakes, but i think that people who are "decent" players will not (always) act stupid. I don't think a lot of guys will call a raise with a garbage out of position just because they want to play a hand. In micro stakes i often see people calling or raising from flop to river with absolutly nothing for finnaly hitting their card. I think that when you know you're going to play in a $25 pot, you're probably more worried that when it is a 50 cents pot.Now, for you're info, i played few sessions at $0.10 and i've now decided to go back to $0.05. My bankrool who was down to 80 is now at $115.Also i want to say that people think the game is easier at $0.02 because most of the time there will be like 55% of the players on the flop. More people on the flop also means more chance to be outdrawed (sp?).Cliffs are i think people with absolutly no logic are the harder to beat. And there's more people like this at $0.02.Here are my actual stats if it can help you to judge my game and to give me your opinion (some seesiosn are missing becasue i've played on another computer while on holidays) :
i'm fighting at $0.02 and $0.05 since April. I' ve started with $18 and went up to $140. Then i lost many sessions and few tournaments and i'm not back at $100. Yesterday evening i tried to play out off my bankroll ($0.10) and won about $25 in one hour (more than i did at $0.02 in 10 days).I've noticed that at $0.02 and $0.05 most people probably don't know anything about odds and will paid any bet if they like their hands. This way of playing is boring as hell imo because : - You can't bluff any player.- Most players will only play their cards and will not be scared of a flush or straight draw on the board.You're outdrawed (sp?) very often because people will chase their draw against the odds.Yesterday a hand that really pissed me off happened like this :I'm in late position and there's 2 limpers before me. I raise 4 BB. The blinds and one limper fold and i'm head up. First thing i thought is "ok, this guy have a good hand ". I have queens and the flop comes "QK2". I decide to play a straightforward poker and bet 3/4 of the pot. Dude calls and the turn is a 10.So i think "ok, if he was on a straight draw he would not call against the odds...but i have a doubt" so i bet again 3/4 of the pot hoping he has a pair of king or KQ. He raises me a lot so i'm like "damn..he has AJ and paid agaisnt the odds to catch a T...? wow".The good play for me would be to fold cuz imo it is obvious he has the straight. But like the nervous guy i am i asked him in the chatbox "Damn dude, did you pay a 3/4 of the pot bet to catch one of the 4 remaining cards you need?".Then i told him "we're playing together since one hour and i'm sure you have AJ, probably AJs".The river is blank he bet and i told me "Well, you're chasing agaisnt the odds to catch your cards....you made your straight..now i'll have to see this AJs"....and of course that's what he had.Now, i know i made a complete stupid call...but i wanted to see those two cards. When i playat those stakes i spend my times to fold most of my good hands because when i'm in a pot with let's say a pair of queens anf the flop comes like J26, there's always a guy who raise...so i'm like "ok, knowing this player he probably call my 4 BB preflop raise with J2o or J6o...." so i fold...when when there's a showdown, i'm right most of the time.I did only 5-6 sessions at $0.10 and to me the game makes more sense. Of course there's still some people who play too much hands ot marginal hands but i feel like i can play a better poker. I know most people will think "yeah, it makes more sense until you lose 3-4 buy-in in a row, then you'll change your mind". Well, maybe that's right but honnestly playing a $0.02 or $0.05 is a real pain in the a$$ for me. So now with my $100 bankroll i don't know what to do : should i play one table at $0.10 with $10 (10 % of my bankroll) or should i keep playing at $0.02/$0.05....and feel like i'll have to throw my laptop by the window everytime i see some terrible call/raise.I know you're guy are going to say "if you can't beat $0.05 there's no way you could beat a higher game", but once again, playing with a bunch of guys we are here just for the fun and don't know anything about strategy, odds, etc... it really bother me.I gain about $90 playing at $0.02, and imo there's no difference with $0.05; So is playing at $0.10 a solution ?I'll like to hear your opinions, advices, etc...ps : sorry if that looks like a stupid post.
Going all in pre flop with any hand that looks sexy. Damn..i fawkin' hate micro stakes tourney when you can see a donk going all in with with 88 and another calling with 9Jo....What are some common mistakes tourney players make in cash games? -
LOL. Hell yeah!Should have stuck to small-ball -
So yesterday evening, i was back at $0.02. I played ABC poker, you know what i'm talking about. Suddenly i have KK, the guy UTG raises like 3 BB, i reraise 5-6 times in late position. He calls. Flop comes like 3-7-J rainbow. He bets like half the pot. I know he's going to call if i go all-in so this is what i do. He calls. Turn is blank and the river is a 2. Dude had pocket deuces. Wtf? There's nothing i can do.....A lot of hands were liek this one and i lost 2 buy-ins in the evening. Now my bankroll is down to $80+.
Actually i'm thinking about trying Voodoo.....if it can helps me.
The truth.Daniel's strategy I'm sure only works at deepstack tournaments. At the stakes you were/are playing, just make hands and value bet. Don't try to get cute at micro-stakes most don't know what fold means. -
That's not what i've said. I said i limped with aces, then i called a raise instead of reraising and i finally been outdrawned (sp?).With my old style game, i'd have raised (or reraised pre flop) and with a caller i'd have reraised him and the flop and won the pot.So not making big raise, limping and trying to trapped another player could be very costly.So small ball = Limping with aces and not folding post flop? I had no idea it was so simple. Definitely only use that in tourneys. -
Yeah, that's what i thought. i think i'll avoid it for a while.If you anly have like $100 in your account, its probably not the greatest idea to play as they can get costly. -
i watched the clip again. Damn...he's hawt. Sorry i meant, SHE'S hawt.
Do you remind a guy called George W Bush? He's a born again Christian and used to think he was on a mission.. It should explain everything.Go Barack!This article is incredibly alarming to me (and explains a lot).http://caffertyfile.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/...war-inevitable/I realize the Iraq War is old news but this kinda stuff makes me want to vomit. The army is not supposed to be a religious strike force. -
My penis is already huge enough bro..Smallball only makes your penis look bigger, doesn't make you any better at poker. -
LOL. Maybe i missed something because i'm reading it in English. What's the meaning of "folding"?On page 137, it specifically states "Small ball approach is for North America only. European and other countries fail due to the overinflated exchange rate." Please read more carefully next time.
yeah, damn Canadian...he can't even write in French!Daniel, You own me $80 ($50 that i lost playing small ball + $30 for your book).oh boy , that damn canadian -
ok, thanks . I finally unsuscribed because i don't think i'm ready for this kind of tournaments. But i'll follow your advices when i'll have to play one.
Looks like Daniel is everywhere these days : Xmen Origins, katty Perry's video clip, etc.... What the next step ? Playgirl's cover?ps : Do you think he tried something with Katty Perry like "hey wanna leanr poker? Come at my house tonight at 10:00pm, i'll show you some tricks".
I'm actually reading Daniel's book and i first thought that small ball was a great strategy in tourney and that it could be use in cash games too. the fact is i lost 1/3 of my bankroll in less than 3 days.Generally i start to double my buy-in (or more) and finally lose it all when i limp with Aces, just call and the flop and a donk outdraw me. I use to start a very tight and agressive game and i won a lot of money (at micro stakes). Now that i'm trying to follow this technique, i feel seriously depressed and i'm on tilt every time i lose my buy in. I even insulted a guy in the chat because i was angry.Ok, i realize that you have to be a good poker player if you want to play this way, and i also know i'm not Daniel Negreanu. But now i feel lost : should i just play ABC poker, raising with good gands, reraise with monster hand and folding with nothing? Or should i try continue to play this way but more carefully?I feel like small ball only works for like 10 pro players in the world, and that other average players who give it a try will finally lose everything they have.So after i was at $150 (started with $18 40 days ago) i'm back to $90 and will have to play at $0.02 again.....fawk. That sucks. I feel like i should play all day long trying to get my money back, but i know it isn't the solution.The stupid thing if i think i was a winning player when i was more predictable, now that i'm trying to mix my game up , i probably played too much marginal hands or get called when i have nothing by a donk who have pocket tens when there's a straight and flush draw on the board.I don't know if you guys have any advices or tips (or maybe Daniel if he reads this post) because i don't know what the *** i should do.ps : no offense Daniel, i'm just mad at myself. I really like you as a poker player and your book is just great.
Trips Wtf
in No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Games
I think he called with a garbage like J7 and hit a full house. I'd check the river and fold if that becomes too expensive.