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Posts posted by David_Sklansky

  1. Let's talk about a sandwich that isn't better than Subway: the meatball sub at Firehouse. Honestly, Firehouse isn't that bad as far as fast food goes. But their meatballs are basically Chef Boyardee-quality, and their sauce is slightly burnt and way too sugary. Horrible.

    • Like 1
  2. So in Cobalt news, I got a pretty hefty settlement amount from that car accident where I got hit from behind in December. Going to be nice to not have to stress as much for a while.


    Sounds like Slippin' Colby just upgraded from an Odyssey right into a proper X7.

    • Like 1
  3. I will admit that Apple's hardware isn't up to the standards implied by what they charge, but it's about the lifestyle. If you're spending all your time jostling for position in some kind of hateful office politics, the last thing you want to do when you get home is dick around getting Linux to work the way you want.

    • Like 4
  4. I would much rather deal with boys than girls. Boys socially absorb a default problem-solving style that relies primarily on violence and a threat of violence. I can help a boy solve his problems by throwing money and karate lessons at him, and maybe a helping or three of adderall. If I had to help a girl navigate the psychosexual political hierarchy of heteronormative friendships, the result would be a mashup of Mean Girls and Monster.

    • Like 2
  5. Even if the doctor doesn't think you have low T, you'd 100% benefit from TRT. Everyone over 23 who identifies as male would. It would probably lower the quality of life for local women, but it will raise yours substantially, and that's what America is all about.

    • Like 1
  6. How about this: Vegas Flights. In the year 2050, in the last gasps of habitation on Earth, new planet assignments are broken down along class lines. Our scrappy orphan hero, Brayden "Chips" Higgins, dreams of winning an annual poker tounrament held by an unscrupulous casino/space travel tycoon, which grants upper-class citizenship on Planet Zazbonax to its lucky winner. But all is not as it seems, and matters are complicated when Chips finds love in the least likely of places...sitting across the table.

    • Like 7
  7. I don't really understand the point of these lists that compare McDonald's with Umami Burger or something. I think it's just some kind of weird nostalgia trip for people old enough to remember a time back when Five Guys didn't exist and McD's still used beef tallow🔥🔥🔥🔥. McDonald's fries are objective disgusting, and Five Guy's is twice the price🔥🔥🔥🔥. I assume they feel obligated to legitimize themselves by adding the hussied-up millennial options to a list that also pretends that Wendy's fries are edible, so that they can seem populist without it just looking like a list of restaurants that are a poor person's last resort before buckling down and grocery shopping🔥🔥🔥🔥 .

  8. i'll be dead long before retirement age. that's why i'm looking at new cars


    I have a few suggestions:


    1) I suspect an M2C is comfortably within your budget, and I think you can just walk in and buy them now. It's the most fun affordable car that a reasonable, childless person is actually going to want to drive every day, and the stock tune leaves a ton of power on the table if you want to modify something to race El-G or whatever.


    2) Big truck. If you are having 1/3 life crisis or something and are looking at a bike or convertible to change your image, I think a big truck would be a much more believable new image for you. And in your part of the country, I imagine big trucks impress a lot more people than luxury cars. You can get super luxurious F-series trucks, or even a Raptor. Personally, I'm half-seriously thinking about adding a diesel to my rotation, in which case I think the Duramax is the way to go.


    3)Just get a Lexus. If you can afford an LS, do that. You're not a fun person, and might not actually like a fun car. Most of what BMWs have going for them is the reputation of a comparative sportiness that doesn't actually exist in their regular cars anymore. Lexus is what you want, I think. An S Class might impress more people, but that's not really something that actually happens anyway. You seem like a Lexus guy. Don't bother with the executive package, it's for people with a taste for useless design and weirdness.

  9. I was going to get a little bit personal and make fun of the idea of a weekend warrior lawyer dressed up in a Harley-branded gimp suit thinking that people see this as cool. But I don't really need too, because literally no one looks cool on a bike. The only times I see someone on a bike and am impressed are when they are just in their regular street clothes instead of a Halloween costume. But even then, I remember how painful skin grafts are supposed to be, and go back to thinking they are stupid for not wearing a costume. Do it because it's fun. Anyone who thinks you're cool because of it is beyond lame himself. This isn't 1953, you will look like some combination of a poser and a sex slave.


    I will say, I'm kind of with you on the helmet, insofar as I don't think I'd want to survive a motorcycle accident. If I'm going fast enough that a bump to the head might kill me, I'd rather it just did, so I don't have to deal with a life of gravel embedded in my skin.

  10. Re: motorcycles:


    I grew up riding dirt bikes, and have had duel sports on and off most of my adult life. I even very briefly had an S1000RR. I was just thinking the other day how much I miss riding. I think the worst thing about having people in my life who love me and care about me is the pressure they put on me to take care of myself.

  11. I suppose I need to refresh my take. You can only beat the competition you face. I don't see people taking anything away from Bill Russell just because he dominated an era where the Celtics were the only team with two black players.

  12. It wasn't just about technology, people genuinely used to be too stupid to figure thing out that are laughably obvious. H.H. Homes got like 40 kills before they caught him, doing shit like selling his victims' skeletons to medical schools and taking out life insurance policies on strangers in his own name and then murdering them to collect. It didn't even occur to anyone to look into a guy with an endless skeleton supply. You can safely disregard the accomplishments of anyone whose success came before like 1995.

  13. My day so far:


    - Drugs

    - Burrito for breakfast

    - Sports lesson

    - Nap

    - Jacked off into a sock

    - Practiced my sweep-picking for an hour

    - Downloaded a sports sim for console

    - Ordered a titanium exhaust for a Honda.


    I do before lunch what a 15yo boy dreams about doing in a month. #adderallblaster

  14. I think you should get a hold of the sales guy's wife. If she's into it, great. If she isn't, wait until he confronts you about it, and then ask him how it feels to have someone go around your back like that.


    Plus, she's probably attractive if he is.

  15. I think the bigger risk is just his health. I know an ACL tear isn't as big of a deal as it used to be, but he's huge and gets hurt a lot. I'm not worried about a white guy, added to the white team, with all the other white players, not wanting to stick around. You don't see SA trying to leave MO and to work for the ACLU in South Florida or something. The only competition would be Boston, if Kyrie leaves and opens up cap space. The only problem with the Mavs in terms of retaining him is that Dallas whites are so racist that they can't watch the NBA at all, whereas Boston whites were immersed in so much white greatness from whites of yesteryear that the city still pays attention to them, lusting after every white they see on other teams.

  16. I notice that the Mavs have been going out of their way to move pieces around to make sure they have all the good white players. I remember the Thrashers went out of their way to draft all the black players back in the day, which felt simultaneously less problematic and more incompetently executed.

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