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Posts posted by majorleag

  1. Yes I had it happen when I was in my super satellite 2 weeks ago and fortunately I ended up winning but one guy flapping his gums cost be $6,800 in chips!I had Ace, Queen and the flop came Ace, 8 something, can't remember and not relevant.I had been playing against this very arrogant and agressive jerk. I go all in and he is going to call, which I want and he even says "I should go with my gut here"He thought I was trying to bluff him out of the pot, we had been going at each other all night.This older gentleman who folded and is talking to someone else mentions King, 8.Well the guy that is the hand with me thought that the older gentleman said he folded a king, 8 which is precisely what this guy had, but the older gentleman had actually been speculating to another player that this guy against me in the hand was holding a king, 8.Anyway the guy folds because of that info and I went ballistic.It got very ugly for a few minutes. I finally calmed down after the man realized his mistake and appologized but he cost me a chunk of chips which the other guy readily admitted he would have called and it would have crippled him.
    Why does everything you write lately point us towards the fact that you won entry into the USPC? Coincedence? I think not. Good luck tomorrow. Don't play like a maniac.
    Man I can't pull one over on you can I Mexico!!Thanks, I will be thinking pleasant thoughts about you and Royal the entire time, buddy!
  2. Okay so it's not a major milestone like my 1,000th but I won't be posting again most likely until Sunday or next week so I figured I would get my 600th post out of the way.Okay never mind, don't know what the hell just happened, but I could have sworn that my post count showed 599.I must be drinking and not know it. Go about your business.

  3. drink Suny Delight
    I wonder if anyone has ever made a Sunny Delight Screwdriver? :club:
    The ex and I used to pour a full bottle of Five 'o' Clock Vodka into a half full gallon jug of Sunny Delight before we'd go out with friends.Our relationship being based purely on alcoholic tendencies and a shared love of cheap vodka might be why she's my ex.Man, could that girl drink some vodka. <Sniff> I gotta go make a call. <Sniff, Tearing Up>
    This was a very funny post!I am getting all teary eyed myself for you!
  4. Not that it's a huge prize or anything, but it's a prize! I won it in a drawing over at www.papoker.com. It's cool site for PA players, even though it's pretty new and doesn't get much activity.Anyway, can't wait to receive it and check it out!
    The page is down right now but I will check it out when I get back since I am from PA and looking for some decent home games.Congrats! A win is a win.
  5. I kinda doubt they'd let you wear the goofy hat. I've never seen much shenanigans at the USPC.
    the shirt idea made me laugh. Just be you. Remember how bad druff came off trying to ham it up for tv. some of us are just naturally funny at the table. I've been blessed with that gift. Unfortunately, I haven't been blessed with great poker skills. Thus, I will never get to show how truly funny I am to the world b/c I will never make a final table.I was gonna use a line from School of Rock but I forgot it. It was gonna be funny though.
    I know what I would wear....you would love this Ron. My sister got me this shirt...It has Will Ferrell on the front in his Ron Burgundy costume and under him it says "You may not know this....but I am kind of a big deal."Now I just have to make a final table.....
    Very nice!
  6. I have not seen what Dan Druff did so I cannot comment, but I already have made several posts to indicate that I will be doing nothing to stand out other then, hopefully play good poker.I will take it one day at a time and see what happens.
    Heh heh. Sorry. The original post just struck me the wrong way I guess. I think you made the wise choice. Good luck.
    No problem.Believe me I take all of this very seriously, but at the same time I have a sense of humor and don't ever want to take myself too seriously. Life is way to short. I am a reasaonably successful and well adjusted individual but I love games of all kinds and refuse to completely grow up. The only reason I even for a moment considered goofy, is that once you have established yourself as a poker player with skill you certainly do not need any kind of gimmick. However having said that, how many people would know about Phil "The Unabomber" Laak for example if he had not started dressing like that?Now he appears sometimes without the goofy hooded sweatshirt but had he not started that way, I doubt he would have gotten nearly the attention he got.Having said all that, since I am confident that if god willing I make it to the TV table this time it won't be my last time, so I won't need to resort to tomfoolery.If I don't make it, I will make it another time, so again I won't need to resort to anything goofy.I am just looking forward to taking it day by day and see what happens. It really makes no difference how good I play or think I can play if I don't catch some cards!Let the fun begin T - 24 and 1/2 hours!
  7. Good luck majorleag.
    Thanks four. I am taking it one day at a time, kinda like a 12 step program!Hopefully I will make a decent showing day by day and last at least long enough to show up in the Card Player updates.In any event I take it pretty damn seriously, but at the same time I want to soak it all in and have a good time.While I know there will be some very good players, I don't think the competition will be nearly as stiff as the WSOP or the WPT.I think this event event, though it is a $10k buy in and televised, is kind of like a bastard stepchild in comparison to the other tourney's and as such probably will have very few if any known pro's.Last year Joe Cassidy came in second and Hoyt Corkins came in third but I don't think Hoyt will be there this year. I could be wrong but it just doesn't look like an event that too many pros come out for.
  8. cabo wabo straight from the bottle
    Are you in Argentina right now?I was born in Argentina. Have never been back, but would love to someday.
    yeah. i will be here until christmas. my mom was born in argentina and i lived here between the ages of 10 and 12. i am now down here teaching a special international relations seminar as part of my requirements for getting my phd.
    Very cool, enjoy! I will one day go back for a visit with my family. Going as far as Argentina requires time, I figure at least 3 weeks to really enjoy yourself and get to know the country and money.I have had both the time and the money, just never at the same time!One day soon I will go back and show my kids where pop came from. I was only 4 when I came to the states and didn't speak any English.I understand that right now it is a bargain for Americans although not quite as good as it was a few years back. My sister went last year.Who is the lady in the Avatar?
  9. i think its +EV to do something idiotic, unless you are in a position to make a serious cash. but i think if you're headed to the final table, really short-stacked, its not a bad idea to just do something stupid for publicity and hopefully rake in some endorsement money.
    Unless you want to play shirtless with "goldenpalace.com" written across your chest, I cant imagine what kind of company is looking to endorse a loser who acts like an idiot the first time a TV camera gets pointed in his direction. How much endorsement money do you think Druff made off the seat twirl incident? This reminds me so much of my 3 year old. Kids crave attention. They dont care if it's good or bad, so they act like little idiots to get noticed. This is something we hope they will grow out of as they gain some maturity. Based on Druff's table antics, and the existence of this thread, we see that some people never grow out of it.
    I have not seen what Dan Druff did so I cannot comment, but I already have made several posts to indicate that I will be doing nothing to stand out other then, hopefully play good poker.I will take it one day at a time and see what happens.
  10. Yes I had it happen when I was in my super satellite 2 weeks ago and fortunately I ended up winning but one guy flapping his gums cost be $6,800 in chips!I had Ace, Queen and the flop came Ace, 8 something, can't remember and not relevant.I had been playing against this very arrogant and agressive jerk. I go all in and he is going to call, which I want and he even says "I should go with my gut here"He thought I was trying to bluff him out of the pot, we had been going at each other all night.This older gentleman who folded and is talking to someone else mentions King, 8.Well the guy that is the hand with me thought that the older gentleman said he folded a king, 8 which is precisely what this guy had, but the older gentleman had actually been speculating to another player that this guy against me in the hand was holding a king, 8.Anyway the guy folds because of that info and I went ballistic.It got very ugly for a few minutes. I finally calmed down after the man realized his mistake and appologized but he cost me a chunk of chips which the other guy readily admitted he would have called and it would have crippled him.

  11. Not sure this definition is any better than cow testicle but here you go:Taurine (from taurus = ox, as it was discovered in ox bile) or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid is an acidic chemical substance found in bile which acts as an emulsifier for ingested lipids and assists in their absorption. Taurine may also come from synthetic materials.

  12. C2, coffee, caffeinated water...
    Caffeinated water, interesting. I assume it tastes like regular water, you just get the caffeine boost?
    Yeah there's this stuff on the market called Vitamin Water that's flavored, and one kind has caffeine in it. It doesn't taste *too* bad, I can't stand the taste of Red Bull, or that new Pepsi One for that matter.
    Don't know about the Pepsi One, as I can't stand diet drinks, but I guess I have gotten used to the taste of Red Bull.Again I am amazed that people actually pay so much for the crap, but for free it definitely does give you some energy.I don't care how much money I ever make or have, I am never going to pay $2.50 for a couple of ounces of anything.
    Doesn't Taurine (found in like all sorts of those crap energy drinks) come from cow testicle? I'm serious, not joking.Also I hate diet drinks too, but I found C2 to taste good, none of that nutrasweet-tasting crap.
    Uhhh, Man I don't know, but also don't think I want to!Geeze, I may have to find a non cow testicle energy drink by tomorrow.
  13. I am curious as to what others drink while playing.
    Coke, Coffee.
    I wouln't pay $2.50 per can or whatever they charge but the Taj serves it for free, and for free it is a great way to go.
    Soft drinks are free (for players) at the Aviation Club de France too. It's a few miles away from the Taj tho.
    Hopefully one day I will be fortunate enough to play there in a WPT event and then I can see if the free Pepsi's in France taste as good as they do in the USA!
  14. C2, coffee, caffeinated water...
    Caffeinated water, interesting. I assume it tastes like regular water, you just get the caffeine boost?
    Yeah there's this stuff on the market called Vitamin Water that's flavored, and one kind has caffeine in it. It doesn't taste *too* bad, I can't stand the taste of Red Bull, or that new Pepsi One for that matter.
    Don't know about the Pepsi One, as I can't stand diet drinks, but I guess I have gotten used to the taste of Red Bull.Again I am amazed that people actually pay so much for the crap, but for free it definitely does give you some energy.I don't care how much money I ever make or have, I am never going to pay $2.50 for a couple of ounces of anything.
  15. BEER.But I set a limit.....I morph into a cheap Gus Hansen imitation with a ton of beers in me.....I try to limit myself to ONE BEER per hour....and that's pushing it....I also don't like to play long sessions as I set a 4 hour rule on myself.I can play my A game for 4 hours straight...it then turns into my B game....and then C......and then D...for Donkey.In a MTT though...I have maintained focus for the whole thing....mainly because of the prize at the end keeping me focused.
    Well, I am thinking about the main event starting tomorrow for me at the Taj, where if I get some decent cards, I hopefully won't have a choice but to play for 10-12 hours a day.I wonder how Daniel keeps his concentration and energy level up for so many hours at a time.The most I have played in a live tourney has been about 6 hours and it definitely gets to be pretty grueling.Can't wait though as it should be a blast, regardless of the outcome!
  16. 1/2 NL in my local B & M.  I am dealt J :D 2 :D  in the BB.  3 limpers and I check.Flop comesQ :D 10 :) 9 :club:  Beautiful flop for me.  Or so I think.  I lead 5 into the pot.  And some guy moved all in for 32.  I was faced with a big decision.  I laid it down and he kindly showed me K J.  But I am wondering.  How many of you call in that spot?
    I fold it.Besides the fact that your hand is not made, and while Jack high flush is pretty solid if you catch the heart, you can easily still lose to an Ace, King, or Queen high flush.Yeah sometimes you win that one, but I think more often then not, it is a pretty good way to go broke.
  17. well live or online??  home game or serious game?i drink whatever i'm in the mood for, it doesnt change my game.I drank beer druing the Neg-Open. and was semi in the bag when we finished, i drank beer in Vegas, and came out way ahead, or i drink water mostly, water and tea and coffee and juice.  But so far i have good results with beer as my drink
    You don't find that drinking takes some of your edge and or mental awareness away?I guess Scotty Nguyen does okay and he seems to drink like a fish, but then again part of it could be an act, since he seems to remain pretty sharp and alert!
  18. C2, coffee, caffeinated water...
    Caffeinated water, interesting. I assume it tastes like regular water, you just get the caffeine boost?I found Red Bull to be probably the best for alertness after long hours that I have found. Better than Pepsi, although probably not so good for you, when consuming several cans.But it can't be too good for you to plant your ass for hours at a time on an uncomfortable chair either.
  19. well live or online??  home game or serious game?i drink whatever i'm in the mood for, it doesnt change my game.I drank beer druing the Neg-Open. and was semi in the bag when we finished, i drank beer in Vegas, and came out way ahead, or i drink water mostly, water and tea and coffee and juice.  But so far i have good results with beer as my drink
    Sorry, should have been clearer. B&M not online.
  20. I am curious as to what others drink while playing.I never drink alcohol while playing, but encourage the rest of you to do so. I either drink Pepsi, or water and recently have found Red Bull to be a great drink to keep up the energy and alertness.I wouln't pay $2.50 per can or whatever they charge but the Taj serves it for free, and for free it is a great way to go.So what do the rest of you drink, particularly if you are going to be playing for a long session?

  21. Congrats and Good Luck.
    Thanks Angler and all the positive folks on the board. I sent a message to Elkang regarding the structure but he may not be around to answer it so I thought I would post it here to see if anyone knows the answer.I guess I will know for sure tomorrow but am curious anyway. I called the Taj and was given two different answers regarding the structure. The woman I spoke to second sounded more credible, besides I prefer what she told me. She claims the structure for the main event is as follows:Blinds start at $25-50Starting chip count = $20kLevels = 90 minutes eachThis is a great structure in my opinion. Where any of you there last year?Do you know if this is accurate?Thanks!
  22. actually not all xbox games, just some of the bigger name titles: halo, splinter cell, etc....or so i've heard.
    Yeah, I don't think anyone will know for sure until we get our hands on the 360 ourselves.They do seem to be working pretty hard on it, but of course, going from nvidia to ati is going to be a problem. Microsoft has stated that single layer games will probably be OK with the integrated emulation software, but that multiple layer games will demand an additional patch. Then again, they say they'll put patches for the best selling games on the 360 per default.Will that include Stacked? Maybe. I don't know if Stacked will be single or dual layer either."Everything is going to be fine," is an oversimplification, sorry 'bout that, but I do believe that most consumers won't have a problem with their old games.Is Stacked going to work? If it sells well it will, and we all know Stacked is going to be a success. Right? :D
    I've done some more checking into the backwards compatibility of XBox games with the XBox 360 and was told that as long as you have the XBox 360 system that has the 20GB hard drive, the XBox games will work.I've preordered STACKED and cannot wait for the 360's to be released. Looks like another addiction soon in my life :club:
    I work in the video game industry, and I can tell you that the whole compatibility issue is very murky and unclear at this point in time.My guess and it is only a guess is that Stacked will be backwardly compatible since it is a newer game.NOT all games will work, even if you have the system with the HD. Keep in mind that the chip set both the main processor and the grahphics proccessor in the 360 are completely different then what was in the original Xbox. This means that Microsoft is using a software emulator which is much trickier then actually having the chipset in the system.When Sony released the PS2 they embedded the chip set for the PS1 as well so that it would be nearly 100% compatible, and they plan to do the same when the PS3 launches.Microsoft is going to have a list on their web site that will be continually updated that will tell you which games will and won't work with the 360.Don't assume that they all will run properly if at all.
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