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Posts posted by majorleag

  1. He doesn't miss a chance to mention he won entry into the USPC
    Ever...not once. :club: Strange how he usually fails to mention how he finished.
    Not that it has anything to do with the topic at hand, but since you asked:85th out of 225, going out with the best hand pre-flop with Queens, against Ace, Ten off-suit with a guy making what I believe is a questionable call since my all in represented about 1/3rd his stack.Mind you I am not calling him a donkey or saying anything derogatory and I shook his and everyone else's hand at the table. Heck even Men "The Master" was surprised I had Queens, as he called my hand as Ace, Seven, which btw I wish I had since the flop came Ace, seven something.But then again I would not have gone all in with Ace, Seven!I am very proud of my accomplishments and feel that had I won that hand I very well might have made the final 18.I outlasted many big name pro's and played for 12 hours plus with 4 pro's and was able to play with them without any of them making any significant damage to my stack.I have never, ever said that I am as good as anyone pro or amateur, however I did play very well and hold my head up high.Not sure what else you want from me? Because I didn't win my first main event makes me a donkey, dead money, a bad guy?Geeze thank god I have a tough skin.
  2. Majorleag, you freaking idiotMajorleag, just leave, this is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
    So because I have an opinion that you do not agree with I am an idiot?I should no longer post because you disagree with my opinion?The response you gave sir, is precisely why many people are intimidated and do not want to post.It is a pretty sad day when people have to resort to petty name calling when they don't agree.Even my nine year old knows better then that.I for one will not reciprocate by bashing you. You are entitled to your opinion even if you have to resort to name calling to make it.
  3. I find this thread to be silly especially coming from someone who was dead money in a $10K tourney. You (majorleague) threw away money there and I could restrain myself from complaining because it's good for the game.  I think you should do the same when it comes to others who wish to throw away their money when DN comes to a table. Many people would be glad to play at such a table for a number of reasons and pray for cards as Daniel played so wild.I have ideas on how I would play him (shortstack style or seek to more agressively gamble and double up twice) but really would consider the buy in a very cheap fee for the poker lesson. Obviously, you DO NOT want to play in this game too long because Daniel's large buy in will just eventually destroy you.I watched Gavin Smith when he played like this at a $1/2 NL table at Borgata. Initially, some people were a bit stunned with his antics, but he quickly won over the table. I have no doubt this occured with Daniel as well. Of course, Gavin was also hemmoraging money and there was a $300 max. (Gavin always had $300 in front of him)You weren't even there and you're complaining about it ignorantly. Where this chip is coming from I won't even bother to decipher. I put this in the category of people who complain about online poker. This would be a much better thread if it discussed how one should play at that table or if one should. Instead, it is a complaint about what I consider one of DN's better blog entries recently -- but that isn't saying much considering the lack of poker content lately!
    Wow!Well let's see first off Larry, I won a satellite so I didn't waste any money and the $10k seat was non-negotiable so if I didn't play it, it would have been wasted. Furthermore you assume I was dead money, well maybe, but I played for 12 hours with 4 different pro's 3 of which made the final 18, and 2 of which made the final table and during that time none of them ever hurt my stack. I came in 85th out 225 out lasting many notable pros. I am NOT claiming this makes me better or even as good as them, however I went out with pocket queens against ace, ten suited and made an excellent showing in my first event.You are commenting about me being dead money and you didn't even bother to watch any of my play despite being on the premises yet you can talk about me like you know me. Pretty poor reporting if you ask me.As a reporter you should get your facts straight before posting.I have no chip nor any axe to grind with Daniel or anyone else. Larry be a good reporter and read the entire thread very carefully before shooting off an uninformed opinion.
  4. OP, you're such a frackin moron...
    Why because I took the time to formulate a well thought out argument regardless of whether or not you or anyone else agrees?This makes me a moron?Well if my posts make me a moron, I will continue to be a moron.Go look at the thread about why people don't post.It is exactly because of folks like you, who call others a moron.Check my posts over the past several weeks and you will notice one recurring theme, I will no longer stoop to calling people names just because I disagree with them.I will treat every poster on this forum with respect, and all you you should do the same.I welcome discussion, that is what this forum is all about!
    He doesn't miss a chance to mention he won entry into the USPC. Check them if you don't believe me.I kid b/c I care.
    Ron I love you and I knew you would point that out, and I was trying so hard to find a way to mention that I had exposure to pro's without mentioning it but there was no easy way.I just wanted folks to understand that I was able to meet pros and formulate an opinion about them which might very well change if I experienced the aforementioned play.Ron keep on trukin' brother.One of these days we will get together and I will buy you your drink of choice!
  5. If DN sat at my table doing this I would get up and leave. As fun as it would be to sit at the table with DN I wouldn't risk any of my money there, and this kind of play just obliterates the dynamics of the table.
    Well said. That is the biggest issue, it obliterates the dynamics of the game.One of the best things about Poker is that unlike almost every other game in a casino it is a thinking person's game and requires skill.If you reduce the game to not looking at your cards or just playing any two cards because you are rich, then the game becomes roulette and you may as well go and put $10k on black!Not good for the game in general in my opinion, yes it may be good for your wallet if you have the stakes, but it is NOT good for the game of poker.That was the biggest point I was trying to make, but it has apparantly been lost.
  6. OP, you're such a frackin moron...
    Why because I took the time to formulate a well thought out argument regardless of whether or not you or anyone else agrees?This makes me a moron?Well if my posts make me a moron, I will continue to be a moron.Go look at the thread about why people don't post.It is exactly because of folks like you, who call others a moron.Check my posts over the past several weeks and you will notice one recurring theme, I will no longer stoop to calling people names just because I disagree with them.I will treat every poster on this forum with respect, and all you you should do the same.I welcome discussion, that is what this forum is all about!
  7. I personally saw Layne Flack sit at a 3/6 game at Turning Stone and raise/cap every hand blind until the river, then show down his cards.  The table was in stitches.  It was a riot, and if a player beat him they acted like a pig in shit like "wow I just beat Layne Flack!!" - even though he never looked at his cards til showdown.The point is not the stakes he played compared to Daniel's sitting with 125g's.  The point is a lot more people will come to the Wynn to sit with Daniel and play with a name pro, than will get mad that he is pushing them off hands.  Let's also remember that this could be the only ONE TIME he's played like that.  He might have sat at a low limit game many times before and not played so "reckless".
    Very good post. I am sure though that Layne was not betting $10k when someone bet $10.00.You are right this may have been and probably was an isolated incident, and as I have said in several previous responses that I was not there and it certainly is possible that the people at that particular table saw nothing wrong with it and in fact enjoyed losing and not being in a position to win.I think if many of you were to unemotionally look at the situation and imagine sitting down at a $5 10 table where let's assume you are a good enough player to consistently win at, and then anybody regardless of who they are sits down and plays with a stack like he did and makes it so that you either can't play any hands or play a few premiums at risk of a suck out, you might change your opinion.Again for those of you that will say find another table, remember that the guy playing at a $5 10 table is most likely more limited in the tables he/she can select then say the guy who is able to play at a $2k 4k table.
  8. people like you are the reason that DN 's going to stop blogging for us. can't be too much fun if you are going to log into your site and see people whining every time you fart and cough...players have the right to stand up and leave the table at any time they find that the conditions are not conducive to their style of play.
    dead on
    So why do we have a forum, if we cannot discuss?Should we all just be sheep then?Let me know what flavor Kool Aid you would like and where to send it!
  9. Again just for clarification purposes, I like Daniel and in fact had been working on getting him for an appearance to promote Stacked until the game was recently delayed until December for Xbox, PS2 and PC and until January for the PSP.Had the game not been delayed, we were just finalizing the dates to have him appear and do a signing of the game, and who knows we may reschedule it after the game launches depending on his schedule.So suffice to say that I was making my comments respectfully and not to be nasty.If you read my original post as Sam Hard8 for example did, you will notice that I was not nasty or malicious in the least.I like Daniel, but feel both the behavior and then the bragging was over the top.Now it is certainly possible that at this table people loved it and were eating up, if so then I sit corrected, but I don't know this yet, and can only comment on what I have read so far.

  10. Players w/ big bankrolls have been "money-whipping" other players since poker began. Like other posters have said, it sure would suck to have the nuts and let DN PAY YOU OFF w/ crap that he hadn't even looked at...
    Others have made this point, here is the problem with that philosophy.More than likely you will never be able to survive long enough against a player like DN to ever have him pay you off.That's the point.Try it some time and then let us know how it worked out for you.
  11. I can't imagine anyone being terribly upset. People play at tables with known pros all the time just for the thrill of saying they played with the best in the world. I watched Layne Flack absolutely abuse a short-handed NL table on Full Tilt, and the people he was beating up were coming back for more!It's like the quote from Rounders about Johnny Chan at the Taj: "And I'm watching these guys, and they're GIVING their money away, just so they could say, 'Ooh, I played with a world's champion!'"
    I think you have a valid point but:In those situations people are buying into higher limits than they usually play for the thrill of playing against a 'name'. They make a conscious decision to do so, knowing the potential consequences.That's a little different than having someone who is clearly a superior player coming to your small stakes table with over 100k and just taking over. Again, I'm not particularly upset that he did this, but I do want to point out that difference...
    Exactly.If you sit down to play with Daniel, at a $2,000-4,000 table for example, then you deserve everything you get.Can't quite compare that though to him joining a $5 10 table that you may have been sitting at for hours doing well, with say $100k.Don't the rest of you see the difference and the absurdity of the whole thing?
  12. I can't imagine anyone being terribly upset. People play at tables with known pros all the time just for the thrill of saying they played with the best in the world. I watched Layne Flack absolutely abuse a short-handed NL table on Full Tilt, and the people he was beating up were coming back for more!It's like the quote from Rounders about Johnny Chan at the Taj: "And I'm watching these guys, and they're GIVING their money away, just so they could say, 'Ooh, I played with a world's champion!'"
    And how many times was Layne publicy bragging about it on a forum?Rounders is a movie!
  13. I understand he was having fun and can do what he wants, but it seems like his job as ambassador to make the poker playres happy. If they were happy having DN there betting ridiculous amounts and raising blind, then I have no problem. If they were upset and might not come back to taht game, then what he did was wrong.
    This is by far the best response yet.You are correct and that was my point, and in all fairness to Daniel I was not there and don't know the reaction.My guess is that it was probably mixed. I for one would have been very irritated, obviously by this behavior but others may have loved it.I don't know.
  14. To answer your question, I don't think he has any responsibility to anyone. He is a POKER PLAYER, not a civil servant. He has made his living, and his fame by taking peoples money by lying (in a poker sense) and manipulating people. (also in a poker sense) He is good at what he does and I would bet not one person at that table would complain. I sure wouldn't. If you play at an all in table, you have the chance to be all in every hand. Everyone knows that. I don't think the Wynn will look down on him for playiing that table the way he did. I think it will generate more business for them. How many times has Doyle sat down at the 5/10 table? Perspective man. He is a poker player, not the president. I see your point but totally disagree.And you know I'm not a sheep or drink the kool-aid.
    You know I respect your opinion, and of course I know you are not a sheep and was not referring to you.I agree with most of what you said and I know he has no specific obligations.However I believe he does have one to The Wynn, and I don't agree that it is good for business and here is why:I believe that most people at that table after the initial wow factor of playing with Daniel has worn off and they realize that he will play the way he did, they will find another casino to play at.There are tons and tons of casino's to choose from in Vegas.All I am saying is that he could have played at that table and handled himself differently.I thought it was very funny when he was on the WPT and had a huge stack and would say "I bet $1 Million, yeah I like that number".That was funny stuff, but at the final table against other peers. I really don't think the two situations are the same.I didn't expect anybody to agree and wish I had placed a bet on said outcome as I would have won!
  15. Personally I love it when people sit down with a ton of money and throw it around with Q3 off, it's like playing most cash games on any site. He was playing like a fish on purpose, and fully aware that he may in fact give up a bunch of moeny to someone, but not care.What's the diffference between Daniel sitiing at a 5/10 table and a very solid normal 5/10 player sitting at a .25/.50 table - Same thing right? The 5/10 player is probably leaps and bounds better than anyone at the super low limit tables - is that wrong?Are all the stories about ppl going to Vegas and saying "so this kid sat down with $1K at a 1/2NL game and asked how to play - he proceeded to lose all of his money" Was it the other players' fault that he was taken advantage of by them? SHould they not bluff or buy pots becasue he's not as good?Seriously, poker is not a wholesome family game, its about money and money usually brings out the worst in people or at least they can't have emotion or sympathy for another player. It's about obtaining as much of it in play as possible with your skill.
    Soc, with all due respect I very well know that Poker is not a wholesome family game.The point is being entirely missed here. There is no comparison between him betting $75k at a $5 10 game and me betting $100 at a .25 .50 game. NONE.Plus again I am talking about who he is and the fact that he is not a regular guy that is anonymous that nobody knows. He has a different responsiblity than you or I, in my opinion.Remember he is paid by The Wynn to be their ambassador of Poker. Again in my opinion this is NOT what you want in your ambassador.Are you telling me that their were no higher limits that he would have been more appropriate for him to play at, at his home casino?Or he couldn't sit at that $5 10 table and play a strong aggressive but good technical game without showboating, and showboating is exactly what he did?Don't come back over the top and tell me he was just making money, blah, blah blah like we all would. He doesn't need $2-3k.He would have done much more for The Wynn if he sat down and played a good strong game without the grandstanding, in my opinion.That is the point!
  16. hey don't be mad major, i'm just saying that every time there is a blog entry there seems to be someone who is personally affected by it in a negative way like you are about this latest one, and i think it's silly to post about it here so it can turn into a 128-reply post of whining and flaming, that's all, especially when you could write him an e-mail and probably get the response you are looking for from DN himself.
    He does not have the time to respond, as I have sent him 2 pm's over th past 2 weeks, and have not had a response. I am not criticizing him here, I know he is a very, very busy man, so hold the flames on that one.
  17. You really put too much thought into Daniel's life.
    Give me a censored break!!This has nothing to do with his life and everything to do with Poker and the behavior of pro's and the overall image and good of the game.Nothing positive can come from what Daniel did. Now if there is somethign more or missing from the story then I would love to hear it.
    yes! This is bad for the game! He'll ruin Poker! Brilliant post. ffishhsw
    Again completely out of context as usual!Did I say or even imply he would ruin poker?Please don't get all melodramatic on me.He nor anyone cannot ruin poker.
  18. It's not like winning a couple of grand will affect Daniel's life much, but it sure as hell would affect me for example if I had a strong hand but Daniel kept betting $10k and I had to keep folding and ended up losing $2-3k.
    If you have a strong hand, you should be calling these bets. If you're folding because someone's betting huge into you for no other reason than it's a huge amount of money that you don't want to lose, you shouldn't be at the table in the first place...why do you have more on the table than you're willing to lose?
    Did you forget the sw?So tell me, if you sit down at a $5-$10 NL table are you telling me that you fully expect that you will have $75k raises regularly?I don't think so.
  19. Major, I beg to differ. I never sit down at the poker table with money I'm not prepared to lose. I obviously don't want to lose it, but if I do, it isn't the end of my world. Another way to view this would be to look at the first hand he talked about. That guy made 2800 in two minutes. Take the good with the bad. If he is playing reckless, that is his perogative. He is there to take their money and they are there to take his. Free will bubba, you don't like the table, get up and sit at another one. Wait for premium hands and go all in and let the cards fall where they may. If it wasn't DN but some crazy "nutcase" playing, you would call the game juicy and be dying to sit down. Give him a break. He is just a poker player looking for a game. Don't hate on him for having cash to blow. If you had that cash, wouldn't you enjoy doing the same thing he did? I would.
    Again with all due respect, I am not sure that some of you have read my entire original post in its full context.I have NO issue with him playing whereever he wants at what ever level he wants.He has a choice to play at $5-10 on up to the sky's the limit.The others DO NOT necessarily have that same choice. That is the point, that they may not be able to move easily.I can assure you that if I had the kind of money he has I would NOT go to a $5-10 table and start playing as he has.You cannot compare you, me or some other rich guy. He is a paid ambassador for The Wynn casino so he needs to act a little differently than you or I.Even if he were not doing this in his home casino it still would do nothing for his reputation, the reputation of other pro's and or the game of poker.That was my point.So let me reframe the question:Can anyone tell me how Daniel's behavior as he himself has posted can possibly be good and beneficial for the game of poker?For just a moment forget everything else and just concentrate and focus on answering the question in bold.
  20. Yea it would suck to be able to wait for the nuts and get paid off.
    Yeah this is great assuming that you last long enough to get the nuts when he happens to bet $75k and you have $5k in front of you so you make a quick $5k.What when you have or think you have the mortal nuts and he sucks out on you because you could never have enough money to push him out of calling with Queen, 3 of clubs?You are only seeing what a great benefit it would be to have such a benevolent benefactor at your table.It is not that simple, and I guarantee you that if you were to be sitting there under the circumstances described in his blog you would change your tune in a New York minute.
  21. players have the right to stand up and leave the table at any time they find that the conditions are not conducive to their style of play.
    Yeah they sure do.Have you played at a B&M casino lately?Try and leave a table and see how quickly you find another one.Did you even read Daniel's blog where he mentions how full the tables were?
  22. people like you are the reason that DN 's going to stop blogging for us. can't be too much fun if you are going to log into your site and see people whining every time you fart and cough...players have the right to stand up and leave the table at any time they find that the conditions are not conducive to their style of play.
    People like me?What like American's that want to and have the right to voice their opinion like you?I guess I should just stop posting?This is why people don't want to post anymore. I fully expected that nobody else would see anything wrong with this, and like little fanboys would come to Daniel's defense.As I said I like Daniel but that does not mean I won't make a constructive criticisim if I don't agree.Many people in this forum are sheep, who will blindly defend and follow Daniel no matter what he says or does.Oooo Daniel might not blog anymore because of my comments!!!Please I give Daniel much more credit than that, he is not going to stop blogging because of my or anyone else's comments.What flavor Kool Aid would you like sir?
  23. You really put too much thought into Daniel's life.
    Give me a ****ing break!!This has nothing to do with his life and everything to do with Poker and the behavior of pro's and the overall image and good of the game.Nothing positive can come from what Daniel did. Now if there is somethign more or missing from the story then I would love to hear it.
  24. Yes but there is reason they allow max buy in. Those players understand that before they sit down.
    Yes I get that, but they don't expect a wealthy pro to sit down at their table and do this, now do they?
    I continued to raise every pot. At one point, two players limped in for $10 and I said,"10? I'm in for 10," and threw out two $5000 chips with the Q-3 off suit. They all folded naturally.I won a nice pot with the Q-10 of clubs. The flop came 10-7c 3c and I checked to the player on my left who bet 200. I made it $75,000 to go and he called for his last few thousand.
    Tell me that, that is what the Wynn expects from their ambassador?I just think it is really poor and I am sure that most people on here will defend Daniel and crucify me and I am prepared for that.However I will stand very firm in my statements that this was very poor behavior and I would be willing to wager that no other pro would do this.Furthermore if any other pro would do this they wouldn't boast about it on a public forum.Just my opinion!
  25. Okay I have a triple layer flame retardant suit on, as I fully expect about 4,000 degree flames coming my way.I of course like most of you have not met Daniel and would certainly like to at some point. I like his style most of the time and enjoy watching him play on TV.Having said all of that I really was not happy to read his entry today about his amusing antics at the $5.00-$10.00 table beating the hell out of the little guy.I think Daniel needs to reflect back to when he was a new and or less financially secure player and how he would have felt if a very wealthy pro sat down at his $5-10 table and started betting tens of thousands of dollars.I think sitting at that table and playing any cards, or not looking at cards, to show off just because you have so much money that you can lose $100 or $500 or $3,000 and it has no effect on your life and well being, but prevents other players at the table from playing because they can't keep up financially is predatory and is unbecoming of a seasoned pro like Daniel.Yes, I know Poker by its very nature is predatory! However this is clearly a horribly unbalanced situation, and other than to humiliate the little guy, I just don't see how this benefits Daniel, other professionals, The Wynn casino or poker in general. It's not like winning a couple of grand will affect Daniel's life much, but it sure as hell would affect me for example if I had a strong hand but Daniel kept betting $10k and I had to keep folding and ended up losing $2-3k.I can tell you that when I played at the USPC it was a huge honor and thrill to play among some of the best and the brightest poker players in the world, and I was impressed by most of them. There was one pro who I thought was very nasty but most of them were very gracious polite and accommodating.Chris Ferguson was a true gentleman, John Juanda also. Even Mike Matasow was very nice each time I spoke with him. The point is that I came away with a greater respect for these players, however if I had seen or heard that they were sitting down at what by their standards are ridiculously low levels and were doing what Daniel did, I would change my opinion of them in a hurry.Please understand that I have no issue with you dropping down in limits, and in fact I think it would be tremendous for the game of poker if you and your peers would do so from time to time to encourage people to play. However if you step down then your game should still remain the same, and you shouldn't club people over the head because they are defenseless.Also as an ambassador for the Wynn, I would think that this is not the way you would want to conduct yourself.Daniel, I enjoy watching you and hope that you will take this to heart and think about it before responding, if you do respond, and I hope you do.Okay I am done, begin the flaming!

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