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About colouraphobe

  • Rank
    Poker Forum Newbie

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  • Favorite Poker Game
    Holdem and Razz
  1. Ha ha ha. Actually I love that movie. As a horror movie fanatic I can genuinely say that only one movie truly scared me enough to make me wanna wet my pants and IT was... it LOLPS They all float down here Georgie. They all float.
  2. No Im more afraid of clowns than numbers :PETA colouraphobia is the fear of clowns not the fear of colors.
  3. Oh thanks y'all. I think just about everyone one on the small tables at pokerstars is a call every bet player. Ive seen some incredibly odd play in my less than a week there. Like calling all the way down to the river with something like 6 9 with no draw or anything. Anyway onto the math its not that I cant do basic math I just cant do it quickly in my head. I was thinking maybe I could develop my own trick from an easy explanation. Im notorious for asking someone what the answer to a math problem is even though Ive figured it out in my head because Im wrong about 50% of the time. I have my ow
  4. So I'm a newbie around here Ive had one post so far, I lurked for a while before I registered though. So Ive got two questions, 1. is there a book or a site with an explanation thats sorta like a for dummies version of the math for pot odds and well just all the math that is needed for poker? I ask because Im really terrible with numbers in general. I have to write dates out, for example I'd write today's date as September 12, 2008 because the MM/DD/YY format gets mixed up in my head because its all two digit numbers. I'm looking for an easy sort of short cut way to do the math in my head if t
  5. I'm cool with the ban on smoking in public and I'm a smoker. It is a genuine health risk to others around me. What I'm not cool with is some jerk in a Hummer telling me that I shouldn't smoke cause I'm polluting his air WTF!
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